December 2012 - Page 4

Haverford Exhibit Asks, What Can A Body Do?

Haverford’s Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery, located on the first floor of the Whitehead Campus Center, is a wholly different kind of space than Swarthmore College’s own List Gallery.  Where the List Gallery is brightly and warmly lit, with golden wood paneling and a
December 6, 2012

Warning: Small Craft Changes

In 1980 the campus literary magazine called the Null Set Review and staffed by, among others, Jonathan Franzen, voted to change its name to Small Craft Warnings, after a Tennessee Williams play. Small Craft is now the campus’s oldest literary magazine, with
December 6, 2012

Dorm Dive: Roberts Quint Opens Up Room For Fun

The quint in Roberts Hall may be Swarthmore’s best-kept secret. Roommates Ben Postone ’15, Erik Jensen ’15, Alex Moskowitz ’15, Zoeth Flegenheimer ’15, and Michael Fishman ’15 reside in a spacious suite-style dorm that encapsulates the playful dynamic that exists between the
December 6, 2012

A Letter from the LSE Committee Chair

Fellow Swatties, Though there is something masochistically thrilling about partying so hard that the floor of Upper Tarble caves in, it’s not something we as a community should do again, ever. Let me be the umpteenth person to say that last year’s
December 6, 2012

Web Opens Science To All

The Internet is opening up new ways of sharing information on a mass scale all the time. This means scientists can share with others in many ways unthought of before, from blogging and personal web pages about their work, to contributing their
December 6, 2012

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