My name is Tony Lee, I’m a sophomore and I would love to represent you as your CAMPUS LIFE REPRESENTATIVE! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m a real happy, energetic guy who likes to have fun but also likes to get things done. As your CLR, I will act as a direct line of communication between you and StuCo. I would be responsible for organizing and publicizing campus and Tri-Co events, and voicing your opinions and ideas for events at StuCo meetings. But most importantly, I would be another friendly, hard-working StuCo member who cares about what you have to say and is willing to work my ass off for what you want.
A little about me: I’m Canadian-Chinese with two little brothers, I swim for Swat, and I like to bike, run, and play ice hockey on the side. I like the applied sciences, but I am also interested in economics, environmental and Asian studies. I tremendously enjoy Sharples’ yucca fries and squishy bread, and Thursday is my favorite day of the week. I was a co-treasurer of i20 (Swarthmore’s international club), and am actively involved with Motherpuckers, Yoga, and saving lives down at Ware Pool.
There are a few initiatives that I’d want to push for as CLR. My first goal is to reduce barriers between StuCo and the student body by creating more opportunities for communication, such as introducing weekly StuCo lunches at Sharples where students can share their ideas with council members. Other areas that could be addressed include:
– continuing to expand the Small Steps Forward initiative.
– expanding the wellness options available to students.
– further publicizing of Tri-Co events here at Swat.
I’m really excited about this coming year – I like the positive vibes so far and would love the chance to work with you.