I am very excited to be your advice columnist for The Phoenix this year!
In my day-to-day life, I have loved helping my co-workers, fellow students, friends and family overcome the many bumps in each of their respective roads.
However, what I have struggled with is not being able to advise those who I share very little to no contact with on campus and beyond. As a result, I am thrilled to finally make my wish of helping all of you who I do not know a reality.
This will work by you submitting an anecdote to “Nestor” describing a relationship, friendship, family, sex, academic, career or general life issue that you would like advice on. You can submit the anecdote electronically by emailing dearnestor@swarthmorephoenix.com. If you prefer to submit by hand, you can also turn the submission into The Phoenix via campus mail. Let me stress that if you decide to send an email, your comments will be ANONYMOUS. ANONYMOUS!!!! ANONYMOUS!!!!
I want to conclude by saying that I do not think of myself as a relationship, friendship, family, sex, academic, career or life advice guru. However, I have experience working with friends, family, students and psychologists dealing with a number of different social issues encountered. Whether these conflicts, dilemmas or inquiries were considered common or uncommon, I have gathered ways that I find work best to tackle the obstacles faced in our day-to-day lives. I want to stress that my advice is subjective, and stemming from my own experience. Oftentimes, there is no “right” way to deal with an issue; there could be multiple ways.
I am looking forward to listening to and advising you on issues that you encounter in your life.