Shortly before spring break, book collection boxes appeared around campus as part of a book drive for K-4 children’s books for Gotwals Elementary School in Norristown. The book drive is the result of a long relationship between Melissa Emmerson ’11 and Gotwals
For the third annual GREENMarch, Earthlust is collaborating with other environment-focused groups on campus—Environmental Justice, Green Advisors, Mountain Justice, Good Food and Animal Advocates, and the Womyn’s Resource Center—to coordinate a variety of events.
While many of us have explored the floors of McCabe library, hunkered in the depths of its basement or talked with friends over coffee in the Reading Room, few know of the incredible breadth of McCabe’s holdings, from its historic archives to
Hookups are not really hard to do. With the right combination of Paces ambiance, inebriation, and blessing from God, most of us could find someone willing to go home with us at least most evenings, if we are not even remotely picky.
On Wednesday evening, Swarthmore was visited by economist Gary Burtless, who serves as the senior fellow of Economic Studies at the Brookings Institution. He discussed the recent recession, the government’s response, and why the stimulus package was a lot more successful than
To mix things up a little, this week’s recipes come from Mexico. Our fajita recipe is heavy on the vegetables and makes for a delicious, spicy, one-dish meal.
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