November 2010 - Page 2

Chester Noise with Dan Symonds

This week's WSRN show is Chester Noise with Dan Symonds. It is a media empowerment project that pairs Swarthmore and Chester students to make, record, edit, and broadcast music and other media of their own making.
November 18, 2010

Good Food Hosts Pig Roast and Panel Discussion

Students gathered for a feast of local meat prepared on Mertz Field, as well as a panel discussion on sustainable food issues hosted by the Good Food Project, an organization that focuses on promoting local, sustainable food on campus and in the
November 17, 2010

Goals, SLAP, and Intercouncil Affairs

StuCo discussed the creation of a resource guide and food services initiatives, as well as approving a resolution brought by SLAP favoring a neutrality agreement for Inn workers. They also discussed whether a current member could continue his term while taking an
November 15, 2010

No Normal Monster: A Lecture on Dexter

“Dexter is our hero because of the violence he doesn’t engage in,” said Lisa Arellano, Assistant Professor of American Studies and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Colby College. Faculty, students and guests gathered in the Scheuer Room on Wednesday afternoon for
November 11, 2010

New Executive Chef Benton Peak

Chef Benton Peak, who has been providing meals for Swarthmore students at Sharples dining hall for seven years, was recently promoted to Executive Chef.
November 9, 2010

Minus Malaria Variety Show

The Global Health Forum sponsored a the third annual Minus Malaria Variety Show on Saturday. Each suggested $5 donation for admittance purchased insecticide-treated bed nets to help fight malaria in the Kbangba Kabonde chiefdom of Sierra Leone. GHF will also send a
November 8, 2010

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