December 2009 - Page 2

Who Likes Pasta Bar? A Statistical Study

Twice-a-week pasta bar in Sharples elicits groans from some and squeals of joy from others. Just how many students, and who, fall into which category? The Gazette attempted to find out.
December 7, 2009

Deans Discuss Board of Managers’ FinAid Cut Decision

Student Council and Deans Bock and Campbell met on Sunday to discuss with students the results of the Board of Managers meeting this past weekend. The conversation centered on the 2.1% reduction in funding for Financial Aid, which will be enacted by
December 6, 2009

Mustache Mayhem!

There was neither a solemn peal of the Clothier bells nor a beeping alarm to tell Swarthmore’s mustached marauders that their time was up. They merely checked their cell phones and exchanged glances of reluctant acknowledgement. Mustache November had to come to
December 4, 2009

“Twelfth Night” Delights with Original Music, Gender-Play

The gender-bending, farcical and poignant production of Twelfth Night opens Saturday, December 5th at 2pm in Upper Tarble. This is no ordinary version of Shakespeare’s masterpiece. Director Helen Stott ’10, Sirkka Natti ’11 and Glenn Stott ’12 composed original music that is
December 3, 2009

Humor and Handbells

Swatties, it’s crunch time, which means that you’ve probably been at the same desk for hours, poring over notes or staring at that blinking cursor and waiting for the right words to come. You’re probably stressed and cold, and winter break seems
December 3, 2009

SFAP Statement to Board of Managers

The Student Financial Advisory Panel (SFAP) was formed in the Fall of 2009 to increase dialogue between students and the administration on matters of the Ad Hoc Financial Planning Group. SFAP has worked to gather student concerns on the recent budget recommendations
December 3, 2009

Lauren Learns to Speak Up in Germany

I’m finally starting to feel comfortable with expressing opinions—about feeling bad about slavery, about the Bosniak Muslims in Switzerland, about the Jewish perspective, about lesbian history through the ages and why it’s not depicted in the world’s only museum of queer history,
December 2, 2009

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