September 2009 - Page 2

EVS Appreciation Week

Throughout the year, it is easy for Swatties to take for granted the fifty Environmental Services staff members around campus who keep our dorms, facilities, and campus beautiful. This week, though, is a great opportunity to celebrate and appreciate all the work
September 25, 2009

Zane Booker’s Portraits

Zane Booker, well known in the dance world, directed a small group production of his new work Portraits. Five young dancers performed the work-in-progress, which they created with Booker as a Swarthmore Project this summer.
September 24, 2009

Safety First

The good old days of Swatties feeling secure in their little bubble are gone, my friends. Gone! So we can't keep acting in the same old friendly way. Things have to change around here. Before something really bad happens.
September 24, 2009

Using Forensics to Investigate Human Rights Violations

Mercedes Doretti, a member of the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team (EAAF), spoke about her work in forensic exhumation Wednesday to a group of students and staff. The lecture, which took place in Kohlberg’s Scheuer Room, focused on Doretti’s efforts to identify the
September 24, 2009

Poet Laureate Rita Dove Shares Work, Words and Wisdom

Rita Dove, the Pulitzer Prize-winning poet who has twice been named Poet Laureate, visited campus on Tuesday for a poetry reading and reception, which was equal parts story-telling, shared wisdom and poetry reading. She spoke about the process of writing, both to
September 23, 2009

Deer Cull Rescheduled, Waiting for Permit

A deer cull in Crum Woods, originally scheduled for December 2008, might occur this winter if the Pennsylvania Game Commission approves the College’s application for a permit. If the permit is awarded, the College will hire trained hunters as part of an
September 23, 2009

Afghanistan is Vietnam

American troops patrol in a far-off land. The crafters of American foreign policy in Washington have laid down an ultimatum. Though few Americans have any interest in this place, it will not be allowed to fall to the opposition, at any cost.
September 23, 2009

Cracking the College Enforcement Initiative

The raid by state police on a party at Haverford College and the "College Enforcement Initiative" cited in part as the raid's cause have put many members of the college community on edge. Many questions have emerged to order the confusion generated
September 22, 2009
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