August 2009

Daniel Cho ’13 and Philmon Haile ’13

There's something of a tradition at the Gazette of profiling an incoming student, to bring the rest of the community an annual dose of nostalgia and to make the hundreds of new faces on campus that much more human to the rest
August 31, 2009

Swarthmore 101

This class does not fulfill your writing requirement. An entirely non-comprehensive (and possibly entirely misguided) guide to navigating your way through Swarthmore: our favorite spots to work, study, and play as well as a glossary to get you acquainted with Swat lingo.
August 28, 2009

President Rebecca Chopp

Rebecca Chopp, the College's new President, took the reins from longtime president Al Bloom after the class of 2009 graduated. As students return to the beginning of the school year, the Daily Gazette sat down with her for a talk about what
August 28, 2009

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