March 2009 - Page 2

College Considers Big Cuts in 2010-2011

Many Swarthmore departments, including ITS, the library system, Human Resources, and Facilities, have been told to prepare for significant budget cuts if the economy (and the College's endowment) doesn't start to turn around by 2010.
March 31, 2009

The Perils and Possibilities of “Pericles”

“Therefore, my lord, go travel for a while,” says Helicanus to Pericles and these words of advice are certainly followed in Shakespeare’s “Pericles, Prince of Tyre.” The play, an adventure that floats the audience across the Mediterranean, is opening tonight in the
March 26, 2009

Iranian Filmmaker Sarmast and Rapper YAS to Visit Campus

This Friday, Swarthmore’s Middle Eastern Cultural Society (MECS) will be hosting a screening of Iranian documentary “Nobody’s Enemy” followed by a performance by the popularly-known King of Persian Rap, YAS [7 PM LPAC Main Stage]. The event, entitled “A Glimpse into Iranian
March 26, 2009

Paul Muldoon Reads and Discusses His Poetry

This past Tuesday, the College's English Department and Cooper Foundation sponsored a reading by Paul Muldoon—Pulitzer Prize-winning poet, Poetry Editor of The New Yorker, professor at Princeton University, and lyricist and rhythm guitarist for his band Rackett.
March 26, 2009

BCC and SASS Hold Black Alumni Celebration

The Black Cultural Center (BCC) and Swarthmore African-American Students Society (SASS) held their first Black Alumni Celebration, commemorating the 40th anniversary of the founding of SASS and the BCC.
March 25, 2009

Sager Symposium Expands Meaning of Queer Activism

"Intersections of Queer: Coalition Building Across Our Communities" kicks off tonight, and is "about exploring the ways different movements can build off of each other and strengthen each other from learned experiences and learned strategies." The symposium's social is also taking a
March 25, 2009

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