Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.
SBC’s weekly minutes can be found here.
This week, five groups came before the Student Budget Committee. Swarthmore Sudan presented a proposal asking for an additional allocation of $50.00 for photocopying and advertising costs. The Committee approved full funding in a rapid and unanimous vote, noting that few groups use their photocopying budget for the bulk of their advertising needs.
Mock Trial came before SBC with a request for $874.92 to send nine people to a competition at Yale. The group had not been allocated money for transportation or lodging during Spring Budgeting because the actual cost of tournaments at that time had been unclear. The request was fully funded.
The Student Health Counselors requested $235.33 to purchase books on sexual health that would be added to McCabe’s collection. The books included “Becoming Orgasmic,” “Urban Tantra,” and “The New Male Sexuality.” The Committee unanimously voted to fully-fund the request. The SHC plan to release a resource guide which will identify their seventeen new books and others that are already on McCabe’s shelves.
SAO asked SBC for $59.00 to pay for van transportation to a Dim Sum breakfast on December 6th. The money would be enough to pay for two vans, and the event would be open to the whole campus (limited by seating). The Committee voted to fully fund the request.
Finally, WSRN requested $1250.00 to pay for two five-hour visits by a trained radio technician in order to fix equipment and determine what exactly needed to be replaced. The WSRN representative argued that this was necessary because students do not have the technical knowledge to complete the work themselves. The Committee agreed to fund the initial visit at a cost of $625.00, deciding to re-evaluate the need for the technician’s services after the first visit.