May 2008 - Page 2

Sports Update 5/11

Scoreboard M. Lacrosse Swarthmore 14, Manhattanville 4 Softball at ECAC South Championships Misericordia 3, Swarthmore 2 Swarthmore 10, Lake Erie 4 MEN'S LACROSSE: Musynske Inspires Garnet to ECAC Victory Garnet [...]
May 11, 2008

Senior Art Exhibits: Haesun Han, Eve Lampenfeld

This weekend, Haesun Han and Eve Lampenfeld’s senior exhibits in the List Gallery incorporate two-dimensional work that takes an image to the brink of abstraction in dynamic and intriguing ways. The exhibit’s opening reception will be today, Friday, May 9, at 4
May 8, 2008

Spring Jamboree ’08 – Encore, Please?

Once again, Jamboree staged Swarthmore’s finest a capella groups, with the unfortunate exclusion of Cantantrix. The event was an improvement on last year, both in musicality and in theatrics. Grapevine’s [...]
May 7, 2008

Spicy in Buenos Aires: Life-Saver

This is Stephanie Appiah's last column from Buenos Aires After two bouts of gastroenteritis -- yes, I got it again last week, and was sick for days -- I give [...]
May 7, 2008

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