May 2008

Interview with Al Bloom

After serving as Swarthmore's president since 1991, Al Bloom recently announced his decision to retire in August 2009 to the campus community through e-mails and letters. Although he was traveling [...]
May 31, 2008

What is the History of Paces’ Mural?

In response to an "Ask the Gazette" attempting to date the mysterious black-and-white painting, the Daily Gazette managed to track down alum Tim Applebee ’03, who painted the existing Paces [...]
May 12, 2008

Nestbeschmutzer, Now Out of Austria

When I boarded my plane out of Austria, the newspapers were breathlessly reporting on the just-broken story of Elisabeth Fritzl, an Austrian woman recently freed from the windowless basement where [...]
May 12, 2008

Associate Director of the Lang Center To Resign

Patricia James, the Associate Director for Student Programs and Training in the Lang Center, has announced that she will resign from the College at the end of the month. She directed the Lang Opportunity Scholars program and the Swarthmore Foundation, in addition
May 12, 2008

Stalking on Facebook

Students had the option in the survey to add their own reasons of why they use Facebook. Multiple students added that they use the Scrabulous application, which allows them to [...]
May 12, 2008

The Freshman Connection

Did you ever wonder why so many people in the freshman class knew each other before coming to Swarthmore? Well, if you are a freshman you may know that the [...]
May 12, 2008

Senior Art Exhibits: Grennan, Ghublikian, DiBiase, Horowitz

The last two Senior Exhibit pairs at the List this semester incorporate paintings, drawings, sculpture, installation and photography work. Via online interviews, the artists shared their thoughts on art, inspiration, and their work to be exhibited. Kira Grennan and Anna Ghublikian’s exhibit
May 12, 2008
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