April 2008 - Page 13

Rhythm N Motion to Mesmerize Main Stage

Swarthmore’s renowned dance group, Rhythm N Motion, has been captivating the Swarthmore campus with its diverse beats and infectious choreography for over five years. At 8 p.m. on Saturday, April [...]
April 4, 2008

ATG: Globes and Bathrooms, McCabe Edition!

This week, we answer your deepest questions about the building that tries to answer our deepest questions: the library! Our first questioner asked why the gender-neutral sign was removed from [...]
April 4, 2008

M: A Rebuttal

The Daily Gazette received the following message in response to my last column: As a Swarthmore student's parent, I think that your sophomoric column today about masturbating that was obviously [...]
April 4, 2008

Sports Update 4/4

Scoreboard Softball Swarthmore 21, Rosemont 0 W.Lacrosse Eastern 14, Swarthmore 4 Softball: Riley Records 2nd No Hitter Garnet freshmen Melissa Emmerson and Krista Scheirer, as well as sophomore Kathryn Riley, [...]
April 3, 2008

Wren Elhai ’08 Awarded A Watson

Wren Elhai was recently awarded the prestigious Watson Fellowship after being one of four students nominated by Swarthmore for the prize. With the fellowship, he plans to spend a year [...]
April 3, 2008

Sports Update 4/2

SCOREBOARD Men's Lacrosse Swarthmore 7, Goucher 6 2OT Baseball Ursinus 14, Swarthmore 6 Women's Tennis Swarthmore 7, Ursinus 2 MEN'S LACROSSE: Young at Heart of Garnet Overtime Win Garnet junior [...]
April 3, 2008

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