In every tourist shop in Vienna, you can buy these shirts that say "No Kangaroos in Austria." The first several times I saw these, they made no sense to me. [...]
SAO and StuCo | $10:$1 Student Council was running late this week due to a long budget appeals meeting. Combined with a short agenda, the meeting ran quicker than usual, [...]
The Swarthmore Literary Review is a newly created annual poetry magazine, and is one of 22 publications at Swarthmore. The magazine, however, is also Swarthmore’s only international publication and accepts [...]
In a meeting that re-evaluated the goals of freshman orientation, the deans have made a decision to eliminate the pre-orientation backpacking trip, in addition to changing the composition of the [...]
Former Swarthmore educational studies professor Kevin Kumashiro returned to campus this past Monday to present his new book “The Seduction of Common Sense: How the Right has Framed the Debate [...]
Scoreboard M. Tennis Washington (Md.) 6, Swarthmore 3 Softball Doubleheader with Gettysburg postponed MEN'S TENNIS: Shaughnessy PIcks Up Two Victories Swarthmore junior Kevin Shaughnessy won both matches Sunday afternoon as [...]
Housing Coordinator Liz Derickson ‘01 recently decided to leave Swarthmore in order to attend a doctoral program in sociology. The Daily Gazette sat down with her to talk about her [...]
The atmosphere of the full house that greeted Wendy Shalit’s discussion, “Modesty: An Alternative Lifestyle?” was nearly as giddy as that which had greeted Margaret Cho in the same room [...]
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