April 2008 - Page 12

StuCo 411: SAO and the 10:1 Campagin

SAO and StuCo | $10:$1 Student Council was running late this week due to a long budget appeals meeting. Combined with a short agenda, the meeting ran quicker than usual, [...]
April 7, 2008

Sports Update 4/6

Scoreboard M. Tennis Washington (Md.) 6, Swarthmore 3 Softball Doubleheader with Gettysburg postponed MEN'S TENNIS: Shaughnessy PIcks Up Two Victories Swarthmore junior Kevin Shaughnessy won both matches Sunday afternoon as [...]
April 6, 2008

College Corner with Liz Derickson

Housing Coordinator Liz Derickson ‘01 recently decided to leave Swarthmore in order to attend a doctoral program in sociology. The Daily Gazette sat down with her to talk about her [...]
April 4, 2008

Modesty Lecture Creates Controversy

The atmosphere of the full house that greeted Wendy Shalit’s discussion, “Modesty: An Alternative Lifestyle?” was nearly as giddy as that which had greeted Margaret Cho in the same room [...]
April 4, 2008
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