Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.
Valentine’s Day has become a big deal at Swarthmore as the community has been revving up this week. Many student groups are reaching out to celebrate the holiday of love in their own way, including valentine grams, serenades, and chocolates. Some of these events have already passed but for some, you may just have time to make a secret sweet ‘gram. The only downside is an overload of sweetness.
Thursday, February 14th
Valentine’s Day Poetry-on-Demand
If you haven’t bought a card for your secret valentine and don’t feel the poetic verses coursing your veins, the editors of Small Craft Warnings will come to your rescue. The literary magazine is hosting its annual Valentine study break where editors will compose poems and messages for you on demand. Kohlberg Coffee Bar from 10 – 4. Sweet treats provided.
No Love like SAC Love
Pucker up for SAC’s study break today at 7 pm in Parrish Parlors. SAC promises valentine making, chocolates of all kind, and a kissing booth (cheek or hand only) with members of SAC.
Ñ magazine
Ñ, Swarthmore’s Spanish literary magazine, is hosting a study break today at 4:30. The editors invite students to read Spanish poetry, part take of food and enjoy romantic Spanish songs. Professors from the Spanish department will be present, so beware of reading racy poems.
Romantic Serenades
Swarthmore’s Mariachi band, Los Parangaricutirimicuaros, is offering to perform serenades. According to violinist Sam Garcia ’08, “We’ll perform 2-3 songs for $20 and another 2 songs for another $10. We’re available after 6:00pm tomorrow. You tell us where and when you’d like us to play, we’ll schedule you in if it’s available.”
Sharples’ Valentine Special
Chocolate covered everything is this year’s theme. Music, deco, entertainment and delicacies are all at your disposal.
Michelle and Kate accepting Valentine’s Day Gifts
Don’t forget to give presents or cards to our favorite two ladies who work at Kohlberg Coffeebar. They are currently accepting (and expecting).
Almost, Maine
The Drama Board presents a romantic play just in time for Valentine’s Day. Read our preview.
Women’s Resource Center Valentine’s Party
The WRC is combining a chocolate party with a viewing of Vagina Monologue at the WRC from 7:30-9:30. The 2002 movie is based on a book by Eve Enseler that features a series of monologues by women relating to love and sex among related issues.
Movie Committee Presents: When Harry Met Sally
If you’re looking for a classic chick flick, the Movie Committee has got you covered with Harry Met Sally. Friday and Saturday nights, at 7 pm and 10 pm both nights, this movie can be a perfect date or an opportunity to rekindle hope for singles.
Tri-Co Speed Dating
Bryn Mawr is hosting the first ever Tri-Co Speed Dating event this Friday from 9 pm until 11:30, and an after party from 11 until 2 am. Get to meet new students Rhodes dorm and party with them downstairs in the lounge. To reach Bryn Mawr, take the Swat shuttle to Haverford (8:30 at the latest) and take the Blue Bus from Haverford to Bryn Mawr. The schedule can be found here:
Shuttle Schedules
International Love Party
The International Club hosts its semiannual Paces party with the theme of Love. Dance to romantic international music from 10 pm – 2am holding a cup of Sangaria in one hand your date on the other.
16 Feet Performance
All-male a capella group will perform in Olde Club Saturday night from 7 pm-10 pm, featuring alum Andrew Rose Gregory ’04 and songs from his album “The Color Red & Other Songs About the Power of Love.”
Past events:
Second Annual Valentine Glass Sale
Fletcher Coleman ’09 was selling his ornaments created from blown-glass. Each of 35 pieces were made in different styles, shapes and colors and sold out within half an hour Tuesday afternoon.
Ninja Grams
It’s too late to buy one. Even worse, it’s too late you insure yourself against a ninja. (Especially if you’re a male on 3rd Willets North, watch out ‘grams sent from Sailor Moon sisters). Look for a behind the scenes special of the Ninja Grams on the Daily Gazette tomorrow.