December 2007

Swarthmore’s Soldiers

Last year, Jon Petkun ’07 was a finalist in the first Mr. Swarthmore competition. His acclaimed performance had him wearing a blue leotard and performing self-described “patriotic ribbon dance.” He served as Vice President of the Young Democrats and he describes his
December 13, 2007

Swat Dungeons & Dragons, Now Better than Ever

Santa (or should I say Sauron?) came early to Psi Phi this year, as the aptly named club received $688 to spend on Dungeons and Dragons materials as part of an "Expand Your Role" grant from Wizards of the Coast, the company
December 13, 2007

Restaurant Review: A Second Taste of Asia

Classes have ended, and most Swarthmore students are taking a short breath before finals begin. This is the perfect time to take a break from it all and head into [...]
December 13, 2007

What was the Hallowell House Dedication?

Some students may have noticed an event posted on the campus calendar by the Development Office yesterday entitled "Hallowell House Dedication". Since no description was provided, the Gazette decided to [...]
December 13, 2007

Jamboree Showcases A Capella Scene

This semester’s Jamboree featured all six campus a capella groups, singing renditions of everything from current chart-toppers to classics from the sixteenth century. All of the material was quite good, [...]
December 13, 2007

College Goes No-Loans

When acceptance letters went out for the class of 2012 earlier this week, Swarthmore did not ask a single student to take on loans. And next year, one third of Swarthmore's population will receive much higher grants. Swarthmore has decided to do
December 12, 2007

ED Applications Way Up

Swarthmore has seen a 10% increase on Fall Early Decision applications this year, shooting from 273 to 302 in one year. But the number of acceptance letters didn't see the same increase, making Fall ED more competitive than ever before.
December 12, 2007

Alex Lerner, Guitar Hero

During October break, Alex Lerner '09 had planned to stay on campus. But one phone call changed that: he instead bought an $800 ticket onto a plane that left three hours later for L.A. Why? There was a Guitar Hero tournament, and
December 12, 2007
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