Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.
Student Council is setting up several forums for the future:
1. A Question and answer session about college finances for students to learn about the college’s budget.
2. A feedback/information forum about Counseling and Psychological Services.
3. A feedback forum for Worth Health Center, probably in the spring.
Student Council is considering creating a task force to push for improvements at Worth, starting with the 1960s decor and moving on up to getting computers for Worth and having someone available to drive students to the hospital.
A few Student Council successes of the past week:
* The ML/Strath shuttle should now run later on Tuesdays and Thursdays so that they go right up until the 11:20 class.
* Sharples has added vegetarian/vegan labels. Thanks, Sharples and Student Council!
* The library survey is nearly complete, and Student Council is moving forward with the information you gave them.
* Student Activities Director Kelly Wilcox will now be in charge of parking committee, bringing faculty representation to a committee that has not had it in the past few years.
Upcoming meetings include one with Director of Public Safety Owen Redgrave about campus lighting and the Philly shuttle, and a conversation with Carr Everbach about sustainability and composting at Swarthmore.
Student Council has gotten both positive and negative feedback about the planned change to Reserved Students Digest–if you want to join the conversation, or just find out how to cope, you’ll want to be at the New Campus Calendar forum Tuesday at 8 PM in Sci 101.