September 2007 - Page 8

Will Coke Come Back? BoM to Decide

Although Swarthmore cut its fountain contract with Coke last October, the Board of Managers may reinstate the contract at their next meeting on the weekend of September 28th. The contract [...]
September 12, 2007

Plant Picks Still Open

Last week's Plant Picks clue remains unsolved. The Daily Gazette has received several guesses, but no one has correctly identified the location. An additional hint: this plant genus/collection was featured [...]
September 12, 2007

Kemp Hall Construction

The Daily Gazette caught up with Mike Boyd, Swarthmore College Project Manager for Kemp Hall. Construction continues on schedule, with much of the building already in place. Kemp incorporates improvements based on experience from Alice Paul.
September 12, 2007

Ask the DG: Sharples and AC?

Sweaty Swatties rejoice--air conditioning is finally being installed in Sharples for a price tag of $900,000. Stuart Hain, Vice President of Facilities, explained that "we have been aware that the conditions in that building can be really uncomfortable for both students and
September 11, 2007

Musician Showcases Opportunity to Learn Ghanaian Gyil

Out on Parrish beach on the afternoon of Tuesday September 11, a group of interested students gathered around a woman playing a unique instrument. The woman was Gina Ferrera, a Philadelphia-based musician who plays the gyil, a Ghanaian xylophone-like instrument. [...]
September 11, 2007

Global Health Forum Targets Malaria in Campaign

The ranks of Swarthmore's activist organizations are joined this semester by a new group dedicated to raising awareness of infectious diseases that threaten the lives of people in developing countries. [...]
September 11, 2007

SCCS Servers Compromised

The SCCS server was compromised and was being used to host and send out pharmaceutical spam content, largely due to a URL vulnerability in The Phoenix's index.php
September 11, 2007
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