September 2007

FFS Revises Rules

The Forum for Free Speech [FFS] is the organization which, according to their charter, distributes money from the Student Budget Committee in order to organize "spoken-word events on Swarthmore's campus." [...]
September 30, 2007

Student Council 411

Council realizes that there's confusion around the plan to move events from the Reserved Students Digest to the spiffy new calendar, and is planning on having a forum showing how [...]
September 30, 2007

Sports Update 9/29

Women's Soccer #19 Swarthmore 1, McDaniel 0 Men's Soccer Gettysburg 1, Swarthmore 0 Volleyball McDaniel 3, Swarthmore 1 Field Hockey McDaniel 2, Swarthmore 1
September 30, 2007

Interview with Artist Adrian Davalos

Adrian Davalos '09 currently has a one-man show at the Kitao Gallery titled DisIntegration. Open hours for his show are Saturday from 3-5pm, Sunday from 12-2pm, and Monday from 4-6pm. [...]
September 29, 2007

Fall Olde Club Preview

Last week's performance by Earl Greyhound marked the beginning of another semester of concerts at Olde Club. Now that we're all in the mood for more indie rock goodness, the [...]
September 28, 2007

Weekend Roundup: Museums and Music

Swarthmore's self-titled "Queen of Fun", Assistant Student Activities Coordinator Paury Flowers, has encouraged students via e-mail to travel into Philadelphia. The Campus Philly Kick-off will feature live music, art, and [...]
September 28, 2007

Clothesline Project sponsors panel discussion

“I thought the discussion did a nice job of culminating the Clothesline Project,” said Nell Bang-Jensen '11. “It was a really intense, emotional week and it was nice to have the opportunity to look forward. It was really empowering to take those
September 28, 2007
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