April 2007 - Page 4

“Into the Woods” opens at Swarthmore

Chances are either you or someone you know has just survived a long week of dress rehearsals for "Into the Woods." As described in the program by director Phil Katz [...]
April 13, 2007

LaSS presents: Mr. Swarthmore

This evening at 9pm, the Lady's Soiree Society [LaSS] will host the first annual Mr. Swarthmore competition. Both the event and the society are new to Swarthmore's campus. Last spring, [...]
April 13, 2007

Where is the Big Chair?

You may have noticed that those iconic Adirondack Chairs have made a triumphant return to Parrish Beach. However, the absence of the Big Chair is all too strongly felt. But [...]
April 12, 2007
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