Today from noon to 7:00 pm in Parrish Parlors, the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) will be running a bone marrow donor registration drive. In a little under half an [...]
ABLLE, or Achieving Black and Latino Leaders of Excellence, was formed last November as a closed group for Black and Latino men on campus. The group's three pillars are academic [...]
As we wrap up another semester, the activities of Student Council are winding down. Council has not forgotten about "Thanksgiving in the Spring." They are working on a write up [...]
This past week, Swarthmore College played host to two visitors from the soon-to-be-built University of Central Asia. The university, which is aiming to open in 2010, will be made up [...]
Two Swarthmore students were recently recognized by the National Post-Secondary Russian Essay Contest, administered by the American Council of Teachers of Russian. Abigail Graber '08 received an Honorable Mention in [...]
Over fifty students attended the presidential candidate forum on Tuesday night, and pizza disappeared rapidly, much to the chagrin of your overworked and undernourished Daily Gazette reporter. Three of the [...]
Last year, a mysterious figure scaled a tree along Magill Walk and hung a tree swing that saw near constant use for the few short hours it remained in operation. [...]
Sarah Roberts '08, a candidate for Financial Policy Representative, failed to send a platform to the Daily Gazette. Other platforms are published below and are arranged by order received. PRESIDENT [...]
The junior housing lottery began when #410 picked a double in Worth L, and ended when #662 and approximately thirty other juniors decided to accept spots on the A waitlist [...]
It's a phenomenon all Swarthmore students are aware of, but that has never been properly studied. The startlingly high incidence of depression, anxiety, and substance abuse among supposedly "low risk" [...]
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