November 2005

Who are the women in black?

Observant members of the Swarthmore community may have noticed a group of women in black keeping silent vigil at the train station from five to six on Friday evenings. For [...]
November 30, 2005

Student council platforms

Student Council elections begin Thursday for the one-year positions of Co-President, Student Events Advisor, Campus Life Representative, Campus Relations Representative, Appointments Chair, and Secretary. Online voting will be held Thursday, [...]
November 30, 2005

What was registration like before internet technology?

Before computer preregistration, "arena" registration (similar to first-year student registration) was used. Although stressful, the arena meetings were also very efficient. Computer registration was used throughout the nineties and was [...]
November 29, 2005

Long awaited “Harry Potter” bewitches

Jasmine Narang contributed to this article. On Friday, November 18th, the much anticipated fourth installment of the Harry Potter Series, "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" was released to [...]
November 23, 2005
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