Observant members of the Swarthmore community may have noticed a group of women in black keeping silent vigil at the train station from five to six on Friday evenings. For [...]
Student Council elections begin Thursday for the one-year positions of Co-President, Student Events Advisor, Campus Life Representative, Campus Relations Representative, Appointments Chair, and Secretary. Online voting will be held Thursday, [...]
At the beginning of this semester, schools from across the nation opened their doors to displaced students from New Orleans universities like Tulane, Loyola, Xavier, and Dillard. Swarthmore was one [...]
Before computer preregistration, "arena" registration (similar to first-year student registration) was used. Although stressful, the arena meetings were also very efficient. Computer registration was used throughout the nineties and was [...]
There are regular people, and then there are Legends. Jim Kreft '06, four time winner of the annual "Four x Donut," fits into the latter category. The event, now in [...]
Jasmine Narang contributed to this article. On Friday, November 18th, the much anticipated fourth installment of the Harry Potter Series, "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" was released to [...]
This spring, Swarthmore's theater department is welcoming the award winning playwright Adriano Shaplin to teach the playwriting workshop. Shaplin, whose writing was described by Tony Kushner, author of "Angels in [...]
On Monday in the Scheuer Room, C. Brian Rose, Professor of Classical Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, spoke on "Assessing the Evidence for the Trojan Wars" in a well-attended [...]
Discussions between Swarthmore students, faculty, and staff are currently underway to enact stricter enforcement of the College's existing alcohol policy, which prohibits the use of College Student Activity Funds to [...]
The Sociology/Anthropology Department will offer a new course this spring entitled, "The Triumph of the Therapeutic." The course covers the historical sociology of the mental health field as well as [...]
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