Thursday, February 10, 2000

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

The Daily Gazette

Swarthmore College
Thursday, February 10, 2000
Volume 4, Number 73


1) Reactions to the college statement about the South Carolina boycott

2) Girl scout cookies for sale

3) World news roundup

4) Campus events


1) Basketball teams fall at Johns Hopkins

2) Men’s swimming victorious over Washington

3) World sports roundup

4) Today’s and tomorrow’s contests


Today: Mostly cloudy. High in the mid 40s.
    Hey kids! Guess what? It’s only 22 days until spring break!

Tonight: Clouds. Low in the mid 30s.
    109 days until graduation!

Tomorrow: Scattered showers. High in the lower 50s.
    4 days until Valentine’s Day…


1) Reactions to the college statement about the South Carolina boycott

The College officially issued a statement yesterday indicating the
withdrawal of all athletic training in South Carolina in support of the
NAACP’s boycott of the state, which is protesting the
state’s decision to fly the Confederate battle flag on top of the state
capitol. Training trips had been scheduled in either Hilton Head or in
Myrtle Beach.

Coaches had mixed reactions to the administration’s decision.
As men’s golf coach Mark Duzenski said, “I’m in favor
of the boycott. If it helps in the process of the removal of the flag
then I’m all for it.” But Dan Sears, the women’s tennis coach,
expressed some concern about the decision. “I believe a boycott
could be effective in helping to increase awareness on this issue,” he
said. “I’m just not sure that a late, hasty, privately made decision to
back out of our commitments sends the right message.” He thinks that
the affected coaches and athletes should have been included in the
decision-making process.

Athletes, too, had had mixed reactions.  Mat Rapoza ’03, a member of the
track team, noted that “It’s not every day that you get to go to Myrtle
Beach.” However, some athletes are not concerned with the exact location
of spring training. Clara Fuchsman ’01 said, “I don’t care–we
are going to California.”

While many students support the idea behind the boycott, a few are
skeptical of the College’s approach. Rabi Whitaker ’03, for
example, thinks the boycott is pointless. “The Confederate flag has been
flying for years, and it doesn’t make sense for people to try and
make it stop now by cutting South Carolina’s revenue from athletic
events,” he said. In addition, some believe that the athletic teams were
not given enough time to reschedule trips that are less than a month away.

The affected teams are looking into alternate sites in North Carolina,
Florida, and California, but nothing is definite yet. Maurice
Eldridge, the Executive Assistant to the President, acknowledged the
difficulties the teams are facing in securing a new training location,
especially with the NCAA’s strict requirement that training trips
must include competitions. However, he assured the athletes that the
administration will help the affected teams in any way possible, which
includes additional monetary support if necessary.

– k.x.


2) Girl scout cookies for sale

Yummy cookie goodness: Swarthmore Girl Scout Troop #188 will be selling
Girl Scout cookies at Tarble today from 3:00 to 5:30
p.m.  8 varieties, $3 per box.


3) World news roundup

Hijackers released 85 hostages held aboard the Afghan airliner at London’s
Stansted airport early this morning. Negotiations are continuing for the
freedom of the approximately 65 passengers still aboard. …The FBI is
beginning an investigation of this week’s Internet attacks, which
continued yesterday with attacks on the brokerage site E*Trade and
information  company Ziff-Davis. U.S. Attorney General Janet
Reno said the government is “committed to taking steps to ensure that
e-commerce remains a secure place to do business.” …Russian military
officials said yesterday that they had started the last phase of their
battle to control the breakaway region of Chechnya and one general
said two regiments would soon be withdrawn. Itar-Tass news agency quoted
the military at Russia’s headquarters in the region as saying they had
“started the concluding phase in the operation to defeat the
bandit groups in the mountainous parts of Chechnya.” …British and Irish
officials were frantic yesterday in efforts to keep Northern Ireland’s
fragile government from unraveling as Britain prepared to resume direct
rule. The IRA’s refusal to surrender its weapons in support of the
1998 Good Friday peace accord mandated the suspension of Northern
Ireland’s new government by the British Parliament. Meanwhile, Sinn Fein
chairman Mitchel McLaughlin said that it would be “sheer” madness to walk
away from the new government so soon.


4) Campus events

American Red Cross Blood Drive
Upper Tarble, 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.

“Les Perfections D’Astree: La Bergere dans l’Imaginaire Pastoral d’Ancien
Regime” by Benoit Bolduc, University of Toronto
Kohlberg 328, 4;15 p.m.

Chemistry Colloquium
Kohlberg 115, 4:30 p.m.

Cartoons by Boris Drucker
McCabe Lobby, 4:30 p.m.

English Country Dance Class
Troy Dance Studio, 6:05 p.m.

Sharples Upstairs Room, 6:15 p.m.

M & T Bank Information Session
Bond Memorial Hall, 7:00 p.m.

Public Policy Internship Discussion
Scheuer Room, 7:00 p.m.

“Affirmative Action of Racial Discrimination?” by Ward Connerly
LPAC Cinema, 7:00 p.m.

Mertz lounge, 8:00 p.m.

Swing Practice
Upper Tarble, 9:30 p.m.



1) Basketball teams fall at Johns Hopkins

Both the women’s and men’s basketball teams suffered defeats at Johns
Hopkins last night. The women fell 51-42, with Heather Kile ’02
and Heather Marandola ’01 contributing 9 points each and Sarah Tufano ’03
and Kristen English ’01 each giving 8. The women are now 12-9 overall, 7-3
in the Centennial Conference. The men’s team fell 73-49, with 10 points
from Dave Gammill ’02 and Joe Culley ’00. The team’s record is now 3-18.


2) Men’s swimming team victorious over Washington

The men’s swimming team defeated Washington 108-97 yesterday. Ted Sherer
’01 was a triple winner in the 200 IM, 200 breast and part of the 400
medley relay. On the women’s side, the team lost 109-96. Natalie Briones
’03 was a triple winner in the 400 medley relay, 200 breast and 50 free.


3) World sports roundup

Doctors said yesterday that Kansas City Chiefs star Derrick Thomas died of
a massive blood clot in an artery between his lungs and his
heart. Memorial services are set to begin in Kansas City and then move to
Miami, Thomas’ hometown and the place where he will be buried
Feb. 19. …Seattle and Cincinnati agreed Wednesday night to a tentative
trade sending Ken Griffey Jr. to the Reds, a top official told The
Associated Press. …David Wesley of the Charlotte Hornets was charged
yesterday with two misdemeanor offenses for racing at more than 100 mph in
the crash that killed his teammate Bobby Phills a month ago. …The city
of Louisville is reportedly pursuing the Houston Rockets, the WNBA Comets
and the ThunderBears arena football franchise.


4) Today’s and tomorrow’s contests

Badminton at Bryn Athyn, 7 p.m.

No contests scheduled for tomorrow.


Quote of the day:
“Never do today what you can do as well tomorrow.” — Aaron Burr (who
who killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel in 1804–something he apparently
couldn’t put off til later.)


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    Jeff Heckelman
    Melanie Hirsch
    Claire Phillips-Thoryn

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    Karla Gilbride
    Alma Ortiz
    Jeremy Schifeling
    Kai Xu

The Daily Gazette is published Monday through Friday by an independent
group of Swarthmore College students. Technical support from the Swarthmore
College Computer Society is gratefully acknowledged.

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This concludes today’s report.

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