Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.
The Daily Gazette
Swarthmore College
Thursday, April 23, 1998
Volume 2, Number 124
1) Room choosing is complete and Strath Haven beckons
2) Upcoming movies on campus
3) World news roundup
4) Campus events
1) Women’s tennis overcomes Haverford
2) Women’s lacrosse slams Bryn Mawr
3) Men’s lacrosse loses to Widener
4) Today’s and tomorrow’s contests
Today: Rain. Cold. High 50s. Yuck.
You people getting tans on Parrish beach:
Tonight: Wind, rain, low of about 45.
It’s all your fault.
Friday: Early rain. Clearing up with a high around 65.
1) Room choosing is complete and Strathaven beckons
The annual room choosing process was completed last night with the class of
2001 selecting rooms in a somewhat nervous, but largely ordered atmosphere.
As expected, the college ran out of on-campus housing for rising sophomores
and is likely to house students in the Strath Haven Apartments, according
to Myrt Westphal, Assistant Dean for Residential Life.
Westphal noted that “the college is committed to providing housing for all
students. We guarantee housing for first-years. But even if we [have a]
disaster like a freshman class of 450, we would still find housing,” she
In addition to first-years who will be placed on a waiting list, some
twenty to thirty rising juniors are also on the waiting list, hoping
singles will open up.”We set aside 400 beds for incoming freshmen. However,
we anticipate a class of 360-375, so those 25-40 or so beds will probably
be available, but we won’t know until July or August,” Westphal said.
After the classes of ’99 and ’00 used their lottery numbers, all but one
room each in Wharton, Parrish, and Mertz were taken. Some space was left in
Dana, Hallowell, Palmer and Woolman as well, leaving approximately 30 rooms
outside of ML and Willets. Of the first-year class of about 360, 122 were
awarded blocks and about 25 selected rooms with rising juniors and seniors,
leaving around 200 students vying for rooms. Willets, Mary Lyons and
Woolman were the last to go. Rooms for men were used up well before rooms
for women, running out at lottery numbers in the 770s. Women’s rooms lasted
until the low 800s.
Housing Committee member Geoff Anisman ’00 promised big windows and good
vibes in an effort to cheer people up.”I didn’t see a single person
crying,” Anisman noted, recalling the extreme level of tension at last
year’s lottery.
2) Upcoming movies on campus
GHOSTBUSTERS Friday, 4/24 7:30, 10:00 LPAC
Four kooky paranormal investigators (Dan Aykroyd, Harold Raimis, Bill
Murray, Ernie Hudson) clean up New York City. Brilliant. Ghostbusters III
is due out next year; bone up! (Comedy, 107 minutes 1984.)
AS GOOD AS IT GETS Saturday, 4/25 7:30, 10:00 DuPont
A writer (Jack Nicholson) who is obsessive-compulsive tries to deal with
taking care of his neighbor’s dog and getting breakfast when the only
waitress (Helen Hunt) who will tolerate his antics is not around. Hunt and
Nicholson garnered Oscars for their performances. (Comedy, 138 minutes,
THX-1138 Monday, 4/27 10:00 Kirby
In a dystopian future where people are referred to by letters and numbers,
sex is not allowed, and the police chase THX-1138 (Robert Duvall) after he
sleeps with LUH- 3417. George Lucas’ first film, references to it keep
popping up in his later movies. (Science Fiction, 95 minutes, 1970)
TWO-FISTED FEATURE FIGHTS Wednesday, 4/29 10:30 Kirby
A compilation of fight scenes from action movies, selected by students.
Bring your own. (Action)
ALEXANDER NEVSKY Wednesday, 4/29 7:00 LPAC
When 13th century Russia is under attack by imperialist Teutonic knights,
only Prince Alexander Nevsky can save the day. Based on the true story of
the battle of Tannenberg. Directed by legendary filmmaker Sergei
Eiseinstein.(War, 1938, 112 minutes)
3) World news roundup
Saying that he hoped public executions would show the Rwandan people that
justice is working, Rwandan Justice Minister Faustin Ntezilyayo announced
that 33 people convicted of crimes related to that country’s 1994 series of
genocidal massacres will face firing squads in four public places this
Friday. The names of the 33 have not been released. Genocide in the spring
of 1994 took the lives of hundreds of thousands of Rwandans, and threw the
country into turmoil. About 330 people have been tried for involvement in
the genocide, and another 125,000 are awaiting trial. An international
tribunal run by the United Nations has not yet completed a single trial in
The Children’s Educational Opportunity Foundation announced that it will
pay up to $4,000 to send any interested public school child who is eligible
for free or reduced price school lunches in San Antonio’s Edgewood school
district to a private or parochial school, in the largest such “school
voucher program” ever. Nearly all of the district’s 14,000 students will
qualify for the program, which has a budget of $50 million. Edgewood
Superintendent Dolores Muñoz praised the intent of the program, but
questioned whether it could have any positive impact on many students,
especially those who need special education.
Russian Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov announced that his party
will not support Russian President Boris Yeltsin’s nominee for Prime
Minister, 35-year-old Sergei Kiriyenko, despite the fact that if the
Russian Parliament rejects Kiriyenko’s candidacy a third time, Yeltsin will
dissolve the parliament. … An elderly Iranian Shi’ite Muslim cleric,
Sheikh Murtadha Ali Mohammed Ibrahim al-Broujerdi, was shot to death
shortly after praying at a shrine in Southern Iraq. … The UN reported
that Eastern Europe saw economic growth last year for the first time since
the end of communist rule in the region. … The oldest monastery in the
isolated Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan, the 1,200 year-old Tiger’s lair, has
been destroyed by fire.
4) Campus events
Workshop “The Case of the False Messiah: Hitler — A Social-Psychological
View” with Fred Katz
Kohlberg 202, 4:30 p.m.
Lecture: “Farnesyltransferase Inhibitors: Development of a New Cancer Drug
Based on Modern Cancer Genetics” by Dr. Jay Giffs, Merck Research
Martin Kirby Lecture Hall, 4:15 p.m.
Lecture: “Contemporary Ways of Responding to the Holocaust” by Fred Katz
Kohlberg Scheuer Room, 7 p.m.
Play: “Shakespeare’s Kings”
LPAC Pearson-Hall Theatre 8 p.m.
Earth Week Video: “Water And The Transformation of Life part 3: The Mercy
of Nature”
Martin Kirby Lecture Hall 8 p.m.
Left-Wing Festival: John Sayles’ “Matewan”
LPAC Cinema 10 p.m.
1) Women’s tennis overcomes Haverford
The women’s tennis team beat Haverford 5-4 yesterday in their final home
match of the season. Winning for the Garnet in singles were Jennifer Pao
’01, Rani Shankar ’98, Wendy Kemp ’99, Elena Rosenbaum ’98 and the doubles
team of Krista Hollis ’01 and Pao. Swarthmore finished in 2nd place in the
Centennial Conference with an 8-2 record. The victory put Swarthmore in the
lead for the Hood Trophy competition, 7-6.
2) Women’s lacrosse slams Bryn Mawr
The women’s lacrosse team topped Bryn Mawr 18-6 yesterday. Betsy Rosenbaum
’98 and Holly Baker ’99 each scored 5 goals. Alicia Googins ’00 scored four
goals. Jane Kendall ’00 blocked 19 Bryn Mawr shots. Swarthmore is 8-5 for
the season.
3) Men’s lacrosse loses to Widener
The men’s lacrosse team lost to Widener yesterday 18-7. Mark Dingfield ’01
posted 3 goals. Marcus Shin ’00 scored 2 goals and Steve Shin ’98 scored 1
goal. Goalie Sig Rydquist ’00 turned away 14 shots. The Garnet fall to 3-11.
4) Upcoming Events
Softball hosts Widener for their final home game of the season at 4:00 p.m.
Men’s tennis hosts the College of New Jersey at 3:00 p.m. for their final
match of the season.
Men’s and women’s track and field compete in Penn Relays.
Men’s baseball hosts Ursinus for their last home meet at 3:30.
Golf heads to Berlin, MD for the Centennial Conference Championships.
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This concludes today’s report.
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