Friday, April 24, 1998

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

The Daily Gazette

Swarthmore College
Friday, April 24, 1998
Volume 2, Number 125


1)  Students form group to advocate diversity

2)  World news roundup

3)  Today’s and this weekend’s campus events


1)  Men’s tennis beats College of New Jersey

2)  Softball team’s seventh inning rally falls short

3)  This weekend’s contests


Today:     Sunny, but possible late afternoon rain. High of 70.
            This really confuses me.
Tonight:   Clear with a light wind. Low around 50.
            Wouldn’t it be easier for the Weather Gods just to be consistent?

Extended Weekend Forecast
Saturday:  High of 70. Back to sunny weather.
Sunday:    In the 60’s. Back to rainy weather.


1)  Students form new coalition to advocate diversity

Student representatives from various support groups have joined together to
form ADVICE (Advocating Diversity and a Variety of Ideologies in a College
Environment).  The new coalition  represents various ethnic, religious, and
sexual experiences and beliefs, and hopes to improve communication between
the member groups, and to work together to communicate the concerns of the
group to the administration.

According to Rodney Morris ’01, the representative from Swarthmore
African-American Students Society (SASS), ADVICE was formed largely in
response to the “white student chalkings” that were seen on campus a few
weeks ago. “We wanted to organize to deal with issues that were raised by
the chalkings,” said Morris, “to address some of the confusion and
frustration about the chalkings.”

“We’ve since moved beyond the chalkings…to a much broader scope,” said
Rachel Zuses ’99, the Queer-Straight Alliance (QSA) representative to
ADVICE.   According to Morris and Zuses, ADVICE’s goal is to provide
support for ethnic, sexual, and ideological diversity on campus. “We’ve
come together to try to accomplish common goals,” said Morris.

Representatives of the group met with the staff of the Dean’s Office on
Monday to present some of their ideas and concerns. “They were very
receptive,”said Zuses, “and it was good to get some feedback on some of our

One of ADVICE’s proposals involves getting separate advisors for the IC
groups — Swarthmore Queer Union (SQU), Swarthmore Asian Organization (SAO)
and Hispanic Organization for Latin American Awareness (HOLA) — and the
recognition of an advisor for the Swarthmore Christian Fellowship (SCF).
“We need to make the administration recognize our different needs; we’re
not all homogenous.” said Suellen Lee, SCF representative to ADVICE.

Another proposals focuses on developing more PDC’s to deal with diversity
issues, so as to “encourage people to take these classes,” according to Lee.
“It’s amazing how many people go through Swarthmore without taking any
classes about diversity,” said Lee, “but if some of them are PDC’s, they
may be more motivated to take one.”

The group is also discussing proposals involving diversity training for
RA’s and faculty. “We do acknowledge that a lot of training is going on
right now,” said Morris, “we’re trying to figure out how to make it more

According to Morris and Zuses, the groups currently involved in ADVICE
include Deshi, Diversity Coalition (DC), HOLA, QSA, SAO, SASS, SCF, and SQU.


2)  World news roundup


Joseph Cannon, 38, was executed in Texas yesterday for the 1977
murder of Anne Walsh, 45, while he was high on drugs and alcohol. He was 17
at the time. Although he has repeatedly confessed to the murder of the
mother of five, he claimed until the end that he had rediscovered God and
repented for his crimes. Cannon’s attorneys failed in their attempt to
delay the execution on the grounds that the U.S. should have ratified a UN
treaty abolishing capital punishment for crimes committed by minors. South
Africa, Italy, and the pope all pleaded for Cannon’s life.


The UN Human Rights Commission failed to pass a resolution this
week, sponsored by the U.S., condemning the Cuban government for human
rights abuses. Cuban dissidents aired concern to news services over the
decision, mentioning concern that Castro’s government will respond by
increasing punishments against political prisoner. The resolution failed by
three votes, after Russia and eight other nations changed their stances on
the issue. The Clinton Administration voiced its disapproval of these
nations’ decision, not long after criticizing Canadian Prime Minister
Jacques Chretien over his upcoming visit to Cuba. Over the past several
years, the UN General Assembly has approved many resolutions condemning the
U.S. embargo on Cuba.


James Earl Ray, the confessed assassin of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther
King, died yesterday from liver disease, with the King family still
insisting Ray was innocent… Clinton vowed to veto a Republican education
bill passed in the Senate yesterday; the bill would allow families to save
almost two thousand a year tax-free for private or public education… The
Center for Disease Control and Prevention released the results of a study
on occupation-related deaths, finding homicide to now be the second-highest
cause of death on the job… The country of Israel literally came to a stop
for two minutes Thursday at 10 am, as the sirens wailed in remembrance of
the over six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust… Roslin Institute
announced yesterday that Dolly, the first animal cloned, has given birth to
a healthy six-pound lamb, Bonnie, proving her reproductive capabilities…
Researchers have determined that the colony on Roanoke Island, North
Carolina, which mysteriously disappeared in 1578, probably was destroyed as
a result of what was the worst drought in the area in eight centuries.  The
drought was also probably behind the high death rate in the Jamestown
colony, and their poor relations with neighboring American Indian tribes.


3)  Today’s and this weekend’s campus events

Friday, April 24

Collection: Ellie Smeal
LPAC Cinema, 1:00 pm

Lecture: “EPA Perspectives on Stream Restoration and Water Quality” by
  Peter Weber of the EPA and the Crum and Ridley Watersheds Association.
Kirby,  3:00 pm

Lecture: “Beyond Recognition: The Problem of the Other” – An Informal
Talk on the Phenomenology of the Other, Recognition, and Witnessing
Papazian 324 4:30 pm

Drama: Shakespeare’s Kings
LPAC Pearson-Hall Theatre 8:00 pm

Party: Earthday Party
Straw bale House 10 pm

Saturday, April 25

Music: The Swarthmore College Chorus and Chamber Orchestra
Lang Concert Hall 8:00 pm

Lecture: Dan Hinkley, Scott Arboretum
LPAC Pearson-Hall Theatre 2:00 pm

Sunday, April 26

Music: Brahms’ Sextet and Schoenberg’s Verklaerte Nacht
Xander Abbe ’94, Anna Yangco ’98, Margaret Coote ’98, Julie Russo ’00,
Joanne Lin ’98 and Marc Pasciucco ’98
Lang Concert Hall 3:00 pm



1)  Men’s tennis beats College of New Jersey

The men’s tennis team hosted the College of New Jersey Thursday afternoon,
winning 5-1.  Roger Werner ’98, Nick Slimack ’99, Greg Emkey ’99, Jon Temin
’00, and Peter Schilla ’01 were all victorious. The team will next host the
East Regional portion of the NCAA national tournament on May 9 and 10.


2)  Softball team’s seventh inning rally falls short

The softball team lost 8-7 to visiting Widener University Thursday
afternoon. The Garnet were down 7-0 after the second inning and managed to
claw their way within one with a four-run seventh inning. The comeback was
ended when Portia Kelly ’01 slipped while rounding third with two outs and
was caught in a rundown. Kelly was 2-4 and sparked the rally with her 2 run
double, while  Lurah Hess ’99 was 2-3 with 3 runs scored and 2 stolen
bases. Michelle Walsh was 1-4 with 3 RBI’s and 1 stolen base.


3)  This weekend’s contests

Track and field competes at the Penn Relays.
Baseball hosts Ursinus at 3:30 p.m.
Golf heads to the Centennial Conference Championships in Berlin, MD.

Men’s lacrosse hosts Haverford at 1:30 p.m.
Women’s lacrosse travels to Western Maryland for a 1:00 p.m. game.
Men’s and women’s track and field competes at Moravian and the Penn Relays.
Golf continues the Centennial Conference Championships.
Women’s tennis begins the Centennial Conference Tournament at F&M.
Baseball heads over to Haverford for a double-header at 12:00 p.m.
Softball travels to Haverford for a double-header at 1:00 p.m.
Women’s and men’s rugby plays the alumni at 11:00 a.m.
Women’s ultimate travels to Princeton for regionals.
Volleyball heads over to Franklin and Marshall for club championships.

Women’s tennis concludes the Centennial Conference Tournament.
Golf concludes the Centennial Conference Championships.
Softball travels to Western Maryland for a 1:00 p.m. double-header.
Women’s ultimate travels to Princeton for regionals.


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Elizabeth Weber

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Ben Gaines

The Daily Gazette is published Monday through Friday by an independent
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College Computer Society is gratefully acknowledged.

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This concludes today’s report.

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