Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.
The Daily GazetteSwarthmore College
Wednesday, April 8, 1998
Volume 2, Number 113
1) World news roundup
2) Today’s campus events
1) Softball team splits double session with Muhlenberg
2) Baseball suffers tough loss at the hands of F&M
3) Volleyball at Rutgers
4) Today’s and tomorow’s contests
Today: Overcast, rain likely. High around 65.
Since we did not get all of our silliness out on April 1,
Tonight: Intermittent showers. Low near 50.
this is another fake issue in which everything is false.
Thursday: More rain. High of 60.
1) World news roundup
British Prime Minister Tony Blair arrived in Northern Ireland in an
attempt to save a draft proposal for peace in the troubled region. David
Trimble, head of the Protestant Ulster Unionist Party, rejected the peace
proposal hours after it was presented to the major parties in the talks by
mediator George Mitchell, former US Senate Minority leader. Under the
draft framework, Northern Ireland would be governed by a 68-member
Assembly, and a joint council with leaders from the Irish Republic would
also play a role in governing Northern Ireland. However, the exact roles
of these bodies have not yet been determined.
At a forum in Kansas City, President Clinton began the first of a promised
series of town-hall meetings to discuss the future of Social Security. 700
Missouri residents were selected to take part in the meeting, although
Clinton also participated via satellite in similar meetings held in 5
other states. Clinton did not give any specific proposal for reform of the
Social Security System during any of these meetings, although he outlined
principles which he believes must guide reforms. Without any modifications
to the Social Security System, the changing age structure of the American
population will cause total expenditures to exceed revenues by the year
The Serbian parliament voted to hold a referendum on whether to allow
international mediation in its separatist Kosovo Province, with many
Serbian leaders stating their belief that international concern over
Kosovo is a front to attack Serb interests. … The Red Cross announced
that more than 5,500 POWs from the Iran/Iraq War, many of whom had spent
more than 15 years in captivity, were repatriated this week. … The
National Transportation Safety Board recommended inspecting the fuel
systems of older 747s, after finding damaged wiring in 4 planes. …
Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt was indicted on obscenity and
conspiracy charges in Cincinnati, relating to the alleged sale of obscene
videos to minors in Flynt’s bookstore. … A judge in Washington state
resigned a month after drinking beer in the courtroom and offering beers
to the members of a jury which had just reached a guilty verdict in a
drunk-driving case.
2) Campus events
Student Art Show
Parrish Griffin Gallery, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Lecture: “Can We Talk? What A Conversation On Race Should Be About” by Dr.
James Jones, Professor at the University of Delaware and consultant to the
staff of President Clinton’s Race Initiative
Kohlberg Scheuer Room, 6:00 p.m.
Juniors Workshop: Introduction to the services provided by Career Planning
and Placement
Kohlberg 115, 7:00 p.m.
Film: “Clueless,” sponsored by English Literature
LPAC cinema 7:00 p.m.
“Metal By Dishonor” documentary film on the issue of depleted uranium
weapons and their deadly radiation effects on both Iraqis and US troops.
Kohlberg 228, 9:30 p.m.
1) Softball team splits double session with Muhlenberg
The softball team traveled to Allentown to take on Muhlenberg in a double
header Tuesday afternoon. The Garnet lost the first game by a count of 3-1,
but came back to win the second game 4-3. In the nightcap, Michelle Walsh
’98 went 3-4 with the game winning RBI while Dana Lehman ’98 picked up the
victory. Heather Marandola ’01 had 2 hit in each game. The Garnet are 5-15
overall, 1-7 in Centennial action. They will next play on the 11th when
they host Franklin & Marshal in a 1:00 p.m. doubleheader.
2) Baseball suffers tough loss at the hands of F&M
The basball team lost to the Franklin & Marshall Diplomats Tuesday
afternoon. Steve Farneth ’00 pitched a complete game, surrendering 4 runs,
but the Garnet bats could supply only 1 run. Rob Castellucci ’01 had half
of the team’s hits going 3-4 with a double and an RBI. The Garnet are 3-17
overall, 0-7 in the Centennial Conference. They will next be in action when
they host Franklin and Marshall Friday at 3:30 p.m.
3) Volleyball at Rutgers
Results of the volleyball game were unavailable as of the deadline. The
results will appear in tomorrow’s Gazette.
4) Today’s and tomorow’s contests
Golf heads out to Widener for a 1:30 p.m. tri-match with Lebanon Valley.
Women’s tennis travels to Gettysburg for a 3:30 p.m. contest.
Men’s lacrosse travels to Franklin and Marshall for a 4:00 p.m. game.
Women’s lacrosse heads over to Ursinus for a 4:00 p.m. game.
No contests are scheduled for tomorrow.
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This concludes today’s report.
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