Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.
The Daily Gazette
Swarthmore College
Friday, February 13, 1998
Volume 2, Number 80
1) Budget committee safe despite numerous funding requests
2) Former Swarthmore professor Hans Wallach dies
3) World news roundup
1) Women’s basketball slams Immaculata College
2) Badminton results
3) This weekend’s contests
Today: Sunny and nice, breezy. High near 50.
It’s Friday the thirteenth. Be very, very careful.
Tonight: Starry (clear). Low around 30.
Don’t push your luck — go to sleep early.
Extended Weekend Forecast
Saturday: Just a smattering of clouds. High of 40.
Happy V-Day to NH&CS, and AP&LB.
Sunday: Still sunny. High close to 35.
1) Budget committee safe despite numerous funding requests
While Budget Committee allocated more money than usual this year, it’s not
going to be a problem, according to Budget Committee treasurer Vincent
Jones ’98. A lot of groups…didn’t do spring budgeting” last year, Jones
explained. Thus there was more money to go around amongst those groups that
did put in budget requests for the ’97-’98 year. Funds were later allocated
to these groups, which include CIVIC and the yearbook, causing BC to have
allocated more money than normal. Luckily, the “chance that every group
will spend all their money over the course of the semester is unlikely,”
said Jones.
BC also has money set aside to cover expenses that come up throughout the
semester. Money from this fund can be used to help cover the
over-budgeting. If “everyone spends all their money and BC gives out
$18,000 more over the course of the year, then we’ll have a deficit.” said
Jones. If this does occur, BC could then dip into the capital replacement
budget. The capital replacement budget would then be replenished the
following year by “allocating less to student groups.”
“The biggest problem is just that students who are on BC have a hard time
telling other students ‘no.’ [That which is funded is] worthwhile stuff,
but gets more than actually needed. [BC has been] working over the years
to get out of that habit,” said Jones.
2) Former Swarthmore Professor Hans Wallach dies
Hans Wallach, former head of the Psychology department at the College, and
a noted scientist and researcher of human visual and auditory perception,
died last Thursday at the age of 93.
Wallach’s career at Swarthmore began in 1936 as a research assistant; he
worked his way up to full professor in 1953, and chaired the Psychology
department from 1957 until 1966. He retired from the active faculty in
1975, just late enough to have worked with College President Al Bloom (who
taught in the psychology department starting in 1974).
Wallach was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1986. He was a
Guggenheim fellow from 1949-1950, and worked at the Institute for Advanced
Study at Princeton from 1954 to 1955.
In Wallach’s honor, colleagues and students of Wallach contributed funds to
create the Hans Wallach Research Fellowship, which will pay for summer
research in the field of psychology for a Swarthmore student.
3) World news roundup
Half pipe snowboarding (men)
Gold–Gian Simmen of Switzerland
Silver–Daniel Franck of Norway
Bronze–Russ Powers of the United States
Half pipe snowboarding (women)
Gold–Nicola Thost of Germany
Silver–Stine Brun Kjeldaas of Norway
Bronze–Shannon Dunn of the United States
1500 meter speed skating (men)
Gold–Aadne Sondral of Norway
Silver–Ids Postma of the Netherlands
Bronze–Rintje Ritsma of the Netherlands
10 kilometer cross country skiing (men)
Gold–Bjorn Dahlie of Norway
Silver–Markus Gandler of Austria
Bronze–Mika Myllylae of Finland
10 kilometer cross country skiing (women)
Gold–Larissa Lazutina of Russia
Silver–Olga Danilova of Russia
Bronze–Katerina Neumannova of the Czech Republic
U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Hogan ruled yesterday that the 1996 law
which gave the president the power to veto individual items on spending
bills sent to him by Congress without vetoing the entire bills was
unconstitutional. The law provided for an expedited review process, and so
the case will next proceed to the Supreme Court. The Court earlier struck
down an appeal of the bill brought by members of Congress, ruling that they
did not have the proper standing to bring the case. This current appeal of
the law is being brought by New York Mayor Giuliani, who argues that
President Clinton should not have had the power to veto provisions of the
last federal budget which settled a 2.6 billion dollar debate over disputed
federal Medicaid
payments in New York City’s favor. Clinton used the line item veto power
82 times last year.
In ceremonies commemorating the uprooting of hundred of thousands of
Palestinians from Israeli territory in 1948, Palestinian Authority Chairman
Yasser Arafat warned that if peace talks fail, Palestinians would again
turn to mass violence to achieve political autonomy. He also stated that
the Palestinian Authority will declare Palestinian Statehood in the West
Bank and Gaza Strip in the summer of 1999, with or without a peace accord.
Peace talks between the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority
have been deadlocked for nearly a year, as each side accuses the other of
breaking the Oslo interim peace agreement. Meanwhile, thousands of
Palestinians demonstrated in Hebron and Nablus, calling on Iraqi leader
Saddam Hussein to bomb Israel’s second-largest city, Tel Aviv.
A 250 car accident occurred on the foggy -13 highway between Padua and
Bologna in Italy, leading to four deaths. … The gold medal which Canadian
snowboarder Ross Rebagliati won on Monday and lost on Wednesday was
returned to him Thursday on a technicality–there is no agreement between
the International Olympic Committee and the International Ski Federation on
marijuana use. … Bolivian officials estimate that 60 people were killed
Wednesday in a mountain mudslide triggered by two days of rain, while 27
people were killed when their bus fell off a cliff in a fog tied to the
same storm. … The people of Granville, North Dakota (population 250), are
toasting their town’s selection by a schnapps manufacturer to receive
$100,000 in exchange for renaming the town “McGillicuddy City”.
1) Women’s basketball slams Immaculata College
The women’s basketball defeated Immaculata College, 64-54, in a home game
last night. Heather Maradola ’01 led the Garnet, matching her career high
with 22 points. Jean Quinn ’99 posted her fourth straight double-double
with 14 points and a career high of 17 rebounds. Michelle Walsh ’98 scored 11
points and Kristen English ’01 added 8 points. The team is now 7-13
2) Badminton results
The Badminton results were not available at our deadline. They will be
printed in our next issue.
3) This weekend’s contests
Men’s and women’s track and field host a five-way meet at 5:00 p.m.
Wrestling hosts the Centennial Conference Championships at noon.
Badminton competes in the PAIAW Championship at Bryn Mawr at 9:00 a.m.
Women’s basketball hosts Ursinus in a 2:00 p.m. game
Men’s basketball travels to Dickinson for a 7:30 p.m. game
Men’s Volleyball hosts Ursinus in a 2:00 p.m. game.
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Mary Elizabeth Alvarez
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Massey Burke
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Lorrin Nelson
Cathy Polinsky
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Tamala Montgomery
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Jennifer Klein
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Contributing Writer
Rafi Dowty
Rafi Dowty
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This concludes today’s report.
Copyright 1998 by The Daily Gazette. All rights reserved.