Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.
The Daily Gazette
Swarthmore College
Thursday, December 4, 1997
Volume 2, Number 61
1) Gym floor: new and improved?
2) Upcoming movies on campus
3) World news roundup
1) Late results
2) Intramural scoreboard
3) Today’s and tomorrow’s contests
Today: Overcast, rain showers likely. High around 50.
Today is the LAST THURSDAY of classes in 1997!
Tonight: Still cloudy, low near 35.
Time to party, get down, get funky, get, uhh, ready
for finals. Crap.
Friday: Sunny or cloudy, rain or snow possible. High of 45.
1) Gym floor: new and improved?
The recent renovations to Tarble Pavilion, which previously inconvenienced
the women’s volleyball team, have also caused problems for the men’s
volleyball, women’s badminton, and men’s and women’s basketball teams,
according to team members and the athletics department.
Because the new floor was installed 2 1/2 inches higher than the old one,
the nets were too low, according to Bob Williams, chairman of the
athletics department. To fix this, the flooring company put plugs in the
floor so the badminton and volleyball nets would sit at the proper height,
Williams said. The basketball nets were simply adjusted to compensate for
the height difference, he added.
“We’re all pretty satisfied” with the new floor, Williams said. “It looks
But according to Jennifer Chen ’99, a member of the badminton team, the
markings on the courts aren’t acceptable: “We can’t see the lines — the
flooring company has made plugs which add height to the posts, so that’s
fine, but the colors of the lines are way too similar to the color of the
floor,” she explained. In the team’s informal match against Kimberton Club
on Monday, Kimberton complained that reflections of the lights on the floor
made it difficult to see the shuttlecock. No score was kept for the match.
Along with the new floor, the College has also renovated Tarble Pavilion’s
storage closets and fastened the bleachers to the wall, Williams said.
2) Upcoming movies on campus
SECRETS & LIES Friday, 12/5 7:30, 10:00 LPAC
Hortense, an adoptee, tracks down her birth mother, Cynthia. But Cynthia
is white and Hortense is black! What happened? Nominated for Best Foreign
Film Oscar. (Drama, 142 minutes, 1996: England)
THE PLAYER Saturday, 12/6 7:30, 10:00 LPAC
A slimy movie studio executive (Tim Robbins) begins to receive postcards
threatening his life. A send-up of Hollywood, the movie features dozens of
all-star cameos. (Comedy/suspense, 123 minutes, 1992)
THE NAVIGATOR Monday, 12/8 10:00 Kirby
English miners in 1348 attempt to appease God in the midst of the black
plague by fulfilling a child’s vision and traveling through the center of
the Earth. Grim, yet hopeful. (Fantasy, 91 minutes, 1989: New Zealand)
INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE Friday, 12/12 7:30, 10:00 DuPont
Indy (Harrison Ford) and Dad (Sean Connery) span the globe in an attempt to
thwart Nazis who seek the Grail. Why do they call him Indiana, anyway? Find
out. (Adventure, 127 minutes, 1989)
THE LAST SEDUCTION Saturday, 12/13 7:30, 10:00 DuPont
A woman (Linda Fiorentino) gets her husband (Bill Pullman) involved with
organized crime, robs him, skips town and plots his murder. (Film noir,
110 minutes, 1993)
THE FRIGHTENERS Monday, 12/16 10:00 Kirby
A private detective (Michael J. Fox) who can talk to spirits confronts the
police and his own dark past as he tries to solve a string of murders.
Peter Jackson (Heavenly Creatures) directs. (Horror/comedy, 110 minutes,
1996: New Zealand)
3) World news roundup
The top official of the U.N. conference on global warming on Wednesday
proposed exempting some gases from emissions controls, drawing support from
some countries and heavy opposition from others. Raul Estrada, the
Argentine ambassador to China who is in charge of the Kyoto conference,
said negotiations should cover only carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous
oxide, but not three other gases used in the semiconductor industry and for
insulating high-voltage equipment. Delegates from Japan and the European
Union supported the plan. But the United States, Canada, New Zealand,
Australia and Norway said the other gases are far worse for the
environment and must also be controlled.
The Federal Aviation Administration said Wednesday it may order
modifications in Boeing 747 aircraft to reduce the risk of fuel tank
explosions. The modifications were recommended by the National
Transportation Safety Board after TWA Flight 800 exploded over Long Island
Sound in July 1996, killing all 230 aboard. The FAA has already told
airlines to inspect and modify wiring in fuel pumps on the airplanes, but
it rejected an NTSB recommendation that certain levels of fuel be kept in
center fuel tanks at all times to prevent the accumulation of dangerous
Canada’s postal workers will return to work today, ending a two-week-long
strike, but union leaders said that they were doing so only in the face of
legislation that would have forced them to return to their jobs and that
they would continue to protest by delivering unstamped mail. … About
700,000 Israeli workers walked off the job after negotiations between their
union and the government broke down; a court ordered them back to work, but
it was not clear whether they would comply. … Britain on Wednesday banned
the sale of T-bone steaks, spare ribs and all other beef on the bone after
government research found that bones and marrow can transmit mad cow
1) Late results
Results from the men’s and women’s swim meets and the men’s basketball game
were not available at deadline. Look for complete coverage in Friday’s
edition of The Daily Gazette.
2) Intramural scoreboard
Secret Ninjas 2, Over the Hill Gang 0
Bob the Legend II 2, The Loogies 0
Hikers & Bikers 2, Digging for All They’re Worth 0
Forgettaboutit Strikes Again 2, Pacific Rim 1
Non-competitive basketball
Skinny Awkward Tools 49, Al Roker 32
Los Lobos 51, Hultgren’s Half-Wits 31
B.A. Baracas defeats Mertzkrieg, forfeit
Competitive basketball
Amar’s Army 65, Has-Beens 59
No Code 35, Broken Language 30
3) Today’s and tomorrow’s contests
There are no contests scheduled for today.
Women’s basketball starts off the Seven Sisters Tournament with a 6 p.m.
game against Vassar at Haverford.
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The Daily Gazette
Board of Editors
Fred Bush
Kate Doty
Aarti Iyer
Karen Lloyd
Lorrin Nelson
Sam Schulhofer-Wohl
Staff Writers
Julie Falk
Jennifer Klein
Trang Pham
Rafi Dowty
The Daily Gazette is published Monday through Friday by an independent
group of Swarthmore College students. Technical support from the Swarthmore
College Computer Society is gratefully acknowledged.
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This concludes today’s report.
Copyright 1997 by The Daily Gazette. All rights reserved.