Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.
The Daily Gazette
Swarthmore College
Thursday, November 13, 1997
Volume 2, Number 49
1) College deals with loss of Gotwals
2) World news roundup
3) Upcoming movies on campus
1) Intramural update
2) Today’s and tomorrow’s contests
Today: Early sun hidden by later clouds. High around 40.
In the weather business, this is called “hedging your bets.”
Tonight: Cloudy; snow, sleet, and rain all possible. Low of 30.
By predicting every possible type of weather, I can’t be wrong.
Friday: Rain. You can bet on it. High near 45.
1) College deals with loss of Gotwals
The administrative team of the late Harry Gotwals, former Vice President of
Alumni Relations, Development, and Public Relations, is running smoothly
despite his sudden death of a heart attack six weeks ago. Without Gotwals’
leadership, staff members in the three divisions are closely working
together to coordinate their efforts.
“Harry put together a team that works together very well,” observed
Director of Development Martha Dean. The bulk of Gotwals’ duties have
fallen on Dean and Barbara Ryan, Associate Vice President for External
Affairs. Ryan will fill Gotwals’ shoes as consultant to Director of Public
Relations Tom Krattenmaker. Both Ryan and Dean will be consulting weekly
with President Al Bloom and working closely with Associate Vice President
and Executive Assistant to the President Maurice Eldridge, who
has replaced Gotwals on the Nominating Committee of the Board of Managers.
Eldridge felt that the major burden to the staff is not the increased
workload, but the “emotional strain” of Gotwals’ death. Gotwals’ co-workers
have expressed their grief by donating funds for a bench in his honor.
The College also plans to dedicate a scholarship fund or space to Gotwals.
Donations are still pouring in to the Gotwals Memorial Fund, created by
Gotwals’s wife as a gift to the College.
The senior staff and Board of Managers are hoping to fill the vacant
Vice-Presidential office between July and September of next year.
2) World news roundup
A federal jury convicted Ramzi Ahmed Yousef and Eyad Ismoil of 10 counts,
including conspiracy, in the World Trade Center bombing. The 1993 blast
killed six people and injured over a thousand more. Denouncing the act as
“the worst terrorist attack” in America, prosecutors had charged that the
two Arabs had intended to kill about 250,000 Americans in protest of US
support of Israel. The convictions carry possible sentences of life
On a two-day tour of Washington, Mexican president Ernesto Zedillo will
join President Clinton and other representatives in signing a treaty which
aims to control gun smuggling across national borders. Although Mexico’s
anxiety over American arms smuggling was the source of the treaty, this
problem is widespread throughout the western hemisphere. The convention
will bring together 34 members of the Organization of American States to
discuss such issues as barring unmarked and unlicensed weapons from
crossing international borders. Also on the agenda is the facilitation of
legal enforcement, mutual assistance and training of officers, and frequent
contact between prosecutors and police.
Federal regulators are permitting the import of 6000,000 guns which have
been altered slightly to sidestep a strict ban on military-style assault
weapons, despite an appeal by about 30 Senators. … Four American
employees of a US oil company were gunned down in Karachi in what is
believed to be a protest against the conviction of Mir Aimal Kasi, who
killed two CIA employees. … After arriving in Kazakhstan, Hillary Clinton
spoke to several student groups supporting civic education. … Flooding
in Somalia has stopped and the total death count reached 448.
3) Upcoming movies on campus
KOLYA Friday, 11/14 7:30, 10:00 DuPont
A down-on-his luck Czech cellist is stuck with a five-year-old kid when an
arranged marriage scheme falls through. This Czech production won an Oscar
and a Golden Globe for best foreign film. (Comedy, 105 minutes, 1996)
WELCOME TO THE DOLLHOUSE Saturday, 11/15 7:30, 10:00 DuPont
Dawn Wiener (Heather Matarazzo) confronts unpopularity, crushes, a would-be
rapist, and a kidnapping. Darker than “Heathers,” this look at junior high
hell won various independent film awards. (Black comedy, 88 minutes, 1995)
TRANSFORMERS Monday, 11/10 10:00 Kirby
Planet-eating Galactus grants Decepticon leader Megatron the power he needs
to overwhelm the Autobots. With Autobot leader Optimus Prime destroyed, the
other autobots battle desperately for survival. Voice talents of Casey
Kasem, Eric Idle, and Orson Welles (his last role!), as well as music by
Weird Al. (Animated science fiction, 121 minutes, 1985)
THREE LIVES AND ONLY ONE DEATH Wednesday, 11/12 10:15 DuPont
A man meets a stranger (the late Marcello Mastroianni) who tells him of his
life; three other segments also star Mastroianni. A surrealist meandering
through modern urban life. (Comedy, 123 minutes, 1996: French)
1) Intramural update
Top finishers for the men were Jeff “I thought he said all out!” Doyon ’00
and Phil Jones ’99. On the women’s side Shoshannan Pearlman ’98 and Alissa
Parmelee ’01 finished in the number one and two spots. A total of 35 runners
participated in the race, working their way towards the coveted
long-sleeved t-shirt.
Faculty/Staff scored a narrow victory over Fuhgetaboutit, 3-2. The
Staff awaits the winner of the Willets Hoodlums/Scarlet Begonia game,
which will be played on Saturday at 2 p.m. The I-20 team crushed
the Latin Lovers 4-0, to await the winner of the Willets Basement/Pittbulls
match (to be played Saturday at 12 noon). Semifinals are scheduled for
Sunday, Nov. 16 at 1:00 p.m. and 2:30 p.m.
2) Today’s and tomorrow’s contests
No events are scheduled for today.
No events are scheduled for tomorrow.
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The Daily Gazette
Board of Editors
Fred Bush
Kate Doty
Aarti Iyer
Karen Lloyd
Lorrin Nelson
Sam Schulhofer-Wohl
Staff Writers
Julie Falk
Jennifer Klein
Trang Pham
Rafi Dowty
The Daily Gazette is published Monday through Friday by an independent
group of Swarthmore College students. Technical support from the Swarthmore
College Computer Society is gratefully acknowledged.
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This concludes today’s report.
Copyright 1997 by The Daily Gazette. All rights reserved.