Monday, October 20, 1997

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

The Daily Gazette

Swarthmore College
Monday, October 20, 1997
Volume 2, Number 31


1)  Al Bloom keeps it grinding

2)  World news roundup


Today:    Sunny, breezy. High around 65.
           Nice weather doesn’t make it any easier to come back from break.
Tonight:  Partly cloudy. Low near 40.
           Of course, neither does not-so-nice weather.
Tuesday:  Still sunny, but a bit cooler.


An article in the Oct. 3 edition of The Daily Gazette did not accurately or
completely describe an endowment created by Swarthmore alumnus Eugene Lang
to commission compositions from young American composers for performance at
the College. The $250,000 endowment is not a new gift from Lang; rather,
the money is part of the $30 million gift to the College that he announced
in the spring. The article also should have indicated that the endowment
honors Mary Stott, the late wife of Associate Dean Gilmore Stott.


1)  Al Bloom keeps it grinding

The Kohlberg Cappuccino Bar is not making a profit but will stay open
nonetheless, said Laurie Dibeler, catering manager in Swarthmore’s food
service department.

“We are not working at the profit margin, but rather a little less,”
Dibeler said. While classes are in session, the bar doesn’t bring in more
than $100 a week, and during the summer the cost of labor exceeds the
amount of sales, she said.

Dibeler said the College has no plans to close the Cappuccino Bar because
it “is Al Bloom’s baby, and the College didn’t set it up to make money.”
Bloom agreed, saying there was no possibility the Cappuccino Bar would
shut down.

Dibeler said she sets prices at the Cappuccino Bar based on a survey of
local coffeeshops. Even after a 25-cent increase in September, her prices
are among the lowest in the area, she said. She added that prices will not
rise next semester.

To increase business, Dibeler wants to start serving sandwiches and other
food products, in addition to the current fare of beverages and pastries.
But that plan is on the back burner for lack of space, she said.


2)  World news roundup


Amtrak’s management and the track workers’ union agreed Sunday to extend
their contract negotiations for at least one week, delaying a possible
strike. The Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees wants employees of
the national passenger railroad to receive wages comparable to those paid
by freight lines, but Amtrak says it must borrow money to pay current wages
and could go bankrupt if it gave workers a raise. Two transportation
spending bills are pending in Congress that could give Amtrak more money to
pay the workers. A strike could paralyze not only Amtrak but commuter lines
that use the railroad’s tracks, including Philadelphia’s SEPTA system.


The Nobel Prize committees finished choosing the 1997 winners last week,
and Americans are sharing in five of the six awards this year. The
International Campaign to Ban Landmines and its director, Jody Williams of
Vermont, shared the peace prize. The economics prize went to Robert Merton
of Harvard University and Myron Scholes of Stanford University for a
formula to value stock options. Chemists Paul Boyer of the University of
California, John E. Walker of Great Britain and Jens Skou of Denmark split
an award for studies of ATP, the molecule that carries energy in all living
cells. Physicists Steven Chu of Stanford University, William Phillips of
the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and Claude
Cohen-Tannoudji of France were honored for finding ways to trap atoms with
lasers. Awards to University of California neurologist Stanley Prusiner and
Italian playwright Dario Fo were announced two weeks ago.


Pulitzer Prize-winning writer James Michener, who graduated from Swarthmore
in 1929 and was among the College’s major benefactors, died Thursday of
kidney failure at the age of 90. … More than 3,000 people attended a
memorial service Saturday for singer John Denver, who died Oct. 12 when the
experimental airplane he was piloting crashed in the Pacific Ocean. … The
Cleveland Indians defeated the Florida Marlins 6-1 on Sunday night to tie
the World Series at one game each.


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This concludes today’s report.

Copyright 1997 by The Daily Gazette. All rights reserved.

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