Monday, October 6, 1997

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

The Daily Gazette

Swarthmore College
Monday, October 6, 1997
Volume 2, Number 26


1)  College mourns Harry Gotwals

2)  SC proposes new system to allocate parking permits

3)  World news roundup


1)  Women’s soccer shellacs Dickinson

2)  Field hockey steam-rolls Dickinson

3)  Women’s rugby players smash University of Delaware, each other

4)  Volleyball loses to Johns Hopkins, Goucher, Widener

5)  Men’s tennis sweeps Eastern Rolex

6)  The weekend’s results

7)  Today’s and tomorrow’s contests


Today:    Sunny and nice, somewhat breezy. High around 85.
           What are you doing outside? Don’t you have midterms?
Tonight:  Clear, warm. Low of 60.
           Absolutely perfect weather. What midterms?
Tuesday:  Same as today, only a little later.


1)  College mourns Harry Gotwals

A memorial service will be held today for Harry Gotwals, vice president for
alumni, development and public relations, who died of a heart attack
Thursday evening. He was 50 years old.

Director of Development Martha Dean said, “We are all absolutely stunned.
He had so much enthusiasm for the College.”

Gotwals, who joined the administration in 1990, worked to enhance the
College’s visibility nationwide, to raise money for the College and to
strengthen the College’s ties to the outside community, according to
President Al Bloom.

“The acuity and creativity of his insight, his unstinting dedication, and
the generous warmth of his humor have been constant, fundamental sources of
this institution’s strength and accomplishment over the past seven years,”
said Bloom.

Gotwals’ position did not bring him into frequent contact with most
students, but those who knew him, mostly through College committees, were
shocked and saddened by his death. Rahul Sakhuja ’98 described Gotwals as a
“great guy … really affable, really cordial,” yet one whose “realism”
allowed him to accomplish a lot.

Giridhar Srinivasan ’98, who worked with Gotwals on the College Planning
Committee, echoed Sakhuja’s sentiments: “He always earned people’s respect,
no matter how much he may have differed from them. He was always very
urbane, very civilized.”

The memorial service will be at 4 p.m. at the Swarthmore Presbyterian
Church, 727 Harvard Ave. Members of the community also gathered to mourn
Gotwals on Friday afternoon in the courtyard of Kohlberg Hall.


2)  SC proposes new system to allocate parking permits

Student Council on Sunday night discussed a new procedure for distributing
parking permits. Next year’s permits will be allocated by a committee of
twelve students chosen by SC during this semester’s last round of
appointments, according to Sarah Pheasant ’98, co-chair of SC. “(Associate
Dean) Tedd Goundie agrees, so we don’t see any major obstacles to the
plan,” said Pheasant.

The committee will meet late in the spring to review applications for the
following year, so students will not have to bring their cars to school in
the fall without knowing whether they will be given permits. Applications
will be reviewed anonymously, but with applicants’ class years indicated so
that seniority may be taken into account.

Pheasant hopes the criteria for allocating permits will be made clear to
students when they apply. A certain number of permits will be held in
reserve for students who are away for the spring semester but still wish to
apply in the fall.

Students who wish to apply for a permit next year may not serve on the

Several SC members criticized the current system, saying that all the
students on the permit committee were resident assistants selected by
Goundie and that the criteria for allocating permits were not fully
disclosed to applicants. Some students have also complained that seniority
did not seem to count in this year’s parking permit decisions.


3)  World news roundup


Clinton administration officials on Friday gave Congressional investigators
videotapes showing President Clinton at coffees with campaign donors in
1995 and 1996. The tapes, recorded by White House television crews, show
only snippets of the events and apparently do not show the president asking
for money. After the tapes were released, Republicans renewed their calls
for Attorney General Janet Reno to seek a special prosecutor to investigate
Clinton. Reno on Friday expanded an inquiry that could lead to the
appointment of an independent counsel to investigate Vice President Al Gore.


Religious celebrations drew crowds to Washington and to Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, over the weekend. In Washington, hundreds of thousands of Christian
men attended a Promise Keepers rally Saturday on the Mall. The group
advocates that men recommit themselves to God and be strong leaders of
their families; some liberals who protested near the rally worried that
this could mean less independence for women. Meanwhile, in Brazil, Pope
John Paul II celebrated mass before more than a million people Sunday. The
ceremony capped a four-day visit during which he condemned abortion,
extra-marital sex, pornography, and wide disparities between the rich and
the poor, saying all of these hurt families.


Opposition legislators on Sunday called for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu to resign over a failed attack on a Hamas leader by alleged
Israeli agents. … Astronaut Michael Foale, who was to return to Earth on
Sunday aboard the space shuttle Atlantis after four and a half months on
Russia’s Mir space station, will instead come home today; bad weather
prevented Sunday’s planned landing. … The U.S. murder rate last year was
7.4 per 100,000 people, the lowest since 1969, the FBI announced Saturday.



1)  Women’s soccer shellacs Dickinson

With a 5-0 victory at Dickinson on Saturday, the women’s soccer team
improved to 4-8 for the season and 1-4 in the Centennial Conference. Diana
Hunt ’99 and Betsy Rosenbaum ’98 led the way with two goals each. Catherine
Laine ’98 followed with one goal. Goalie Sari Altschuler ’01 had seven
saves in her third shutout of the season.


2)  Field hockey steam-rolls Dickinson

Goalkeepers Jane Kendall ’00 and Lauren Hopkins ’98 each made one save for
the field hockey team’s sixth shutout of the season Saturday at Dickinson.
Swarthmore’s five points were scored by Danielle Duffy ’98, who had two
goals and two assists; Lurah Hess ’99, who had two goals; and Jen Hagan
’99, who had one goal. Holly Baker ’99 had three assists, and Kristen
English ’01 had one assist. The win brought the Garnet to 11-0 for the
season and 4-0 in the Centennial Conference.


3)  Women’s rugby players smash University of Delaware, each other

The women’s rugby A team beat the University of Delaware 7-0 at home on
Saturday. Alexa Miller ’00 and Meghan Brennan ’00 scored the try, and Emily
Wilkins ’01 kicked the conversion. The B team tied the University of
Delaware 14-14, with Rhiana Swartz ’00 scoring both tries and both
conversions. Two of the toughest players on the B team, however, were Mary
Wiltenburg ’98 and Noelle Goodin ’00, who “hit each other in the head,”
according to rugby president Sarah Cross ’99. “Mary had 17 stitches and
Noelle got 10,” she said. Goodin went on to play the rest of the game
despite her injury.


4)  Volleyball loses to Johns Hopkins, Goucher, Widener

The volleyball team traveled to Johns Hopkins on Thursday and lost in three
games. According to captain Jordan Hay ’98, Holly Barton ’99 “had a great
night hitting.” On Saturday, the team lost to Goucher in three games and to
Widener in five. Swarthmore had “a lot of people come off the bench and
step up and do a really great job in the game,” said Hay.


5)  Men’s tennis sweeps Eastern Rolex

The men’s tennis team had a very favorable showing at the Rolex regionals
this weekend. Roger Werner ’98 was the champion of the singles draw, taking
out a player from Gettysburg in a third-set tie breaker. The doubles finals
will be held Tuesday night, but it is already safe to chalk it up as a
Swarthmore victory: John Leary ’00 and John Temin ’00 will be playing
Werner and Greg Emkey ’99. Werner and the winning doubles team will travel
to Memphis for the National Rolex tournament later this month.


6)  The weekend’s results

With a 0-2 loss in Saturday’s home game against Dickinson, the men’s soccer
team fell to 2-9 for the season and 0-3 in the Centennial Conference.

The women’s Ultimate team lost all five of its games at regionals Saturday
in Oaks, Pa. The team lost to the University of Pennsylvania and Rutgers,
as well as to Philly Peppers, Cat Shit and Flo, which are club teams.

The football team lost 31-0 to Ursinus on Saturday. The Garnet Tide gained
a total of 92 yards on offense, with Tucker Zengerle ’00 making 20 tackles,
13 solos, seven assists, and one pass deflection.


7)  Today’s and tomorrow’s contests

Volleyball travels to Wilmington for a 7 p.m. game.

Field hockey travels to Washington College for a 4 p.m. contest.


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This concludes today’s report.

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