Tuesday, September 9, 1997

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

The Daily Gazette

Swarthmore College
Tuesday, September 9, 1997
Volume 2, Number 7


1)  Co-director’s resignation delays Paces opening

2)  Diversity workshops planned for first-years

3)  World news round up


1) Women’s ultimate brings Haverford to their knees

2) Competition wears down men’s ultimate despite strong effort

3) Grim weekend for men’s soccer

4) Upcoming home games


Today:  Partly cloudy, good chance of afternoon rain. High near 80.
           Don’t chalk the sidewalks today; it won’t last.
Tonight:  Overcast, rain. Low of 65.
             Serious rain gear required if you are going outside.
Tomorrow:  Rain, heavy at times.  High around 75.


1)  Co-director’s resignation delays Paces opening

Paces will not open this semester until September 21, the Sunday before the
fourth week of classes. Aaron Wong ’99, co-director of the student-run
cafe, called the delay “significant” but said it “could not be helped due
to the circumstances.”

The cafe is opening late because the Concessions Committee is looking for a
new co-director to replace Darragh Jones ’99, who resigned from the
position last semester, shortly after she and Wong were selected for the
job. Jones is pursuing an internship with the State Department in Bonn,

According to Wong, a student is in the process of applying for the job. The
committee will review the application of the candidate, whom Wong declined
to identify, and will interview the candidate on Friday, he said.

If the candidate is hired, steps will be taken to fill other Paces jobs,
Wong said. “Next week, we will probably take applications and conduct
interviews for bakers, chefs, wait staff, and bartenders,” he said.


2)  Diversity workshops planned for first-years

Diversity training workshops for first-year students will take place next
week. Loosely modeled after the ASAP workshops on sexual relationships, the
program aims to encourage first-years to think about issues of class,
gender, sex, and race on campus, and to provide a space for safe

Amy Albert ’98, one of the program’s coordinators, said she hopes the
experience will also allow first-years to see the facilitators (and other
returning students) as a source of information on such issues. Along with
Albert, Tina Gourd ’99 and Eric Freedman ’99 conceived of the idea and are
coordinating the program.

According to Gourd, the workshops were not held during Orientation Week
because “there were so many other events going on. We wanted to be sure
that people would have time to think about the issues that we raise.”

First-years who attend the workshops will be divided into groups based on
their residence halls, and two facilitators will lead each session. The
workshops will last from one and a half to two hours. “We will start with
some icebreaker games, and general discussion,” said Gourd. “We will then
give the group an article to read, and will discuss some issues in it as an
entire group, and in smaller ones.”

About 30 facilitators will be involved with the workshops. They will be
trained this weekend by Zara Joffe, who facilitates the College’s annual
Multicultural Winter Institute held at the end of winter break. “We’re
actually using a lot of ideas from the Winter Institute in the workshop,”
said Gourd.


3) World news roundup


As many as 400 people were missing and feared drowned Monday morning after
a crowded ferry capsized and sank near the Haitian port of Montrouis when
passengers crowded to one side to disembark. Survivors told news
organizations that the boat carried no life jackets and that some doors
were bolted shut, trapping passengers inside as it sank. Estimates of the
boat’s capacity and number of passengers varied widely, so the total number
of victims was not known. U.S. officials said the ferry, which went into
service just 10 days ago, was certified to carry 80 people, and Haitian
police estimated 700 were aboard. But the boat’s manager said it had 260
passengers and a capacity of 400, and a United Nations official said it had
a capacity of 260.


The two top lawyers representing Paula Jones in her sexual harassment
lawsuit against President Clinton on Monday told a federal judge in Little
Rock, Arkansas that they wanted to withdraw from the case. Attorneys
Gilbert Davis and Joseph Cammarata said they had unspecified differences of
opinion with their client but remained confident in the merits of her case.
Officials familiar with the lawsuit were reported as saying Davis and
Cammarata wanted Jones to settle with Clinton, while Jones wants a trial on
her allegations that Clinton propositioned her in a Little Rock hotel room
in 1991, when he was governor of Arkansas and she was a state employee.



1)  Women’s ultimate brings Haverford to their knees

This past Sunday the War Mothers scrimmaged against Haverford’s Sneetches.
Captain Leslie Yen ’98 described the game as “pretty successful for both
teams,” and revealed that Swarthmore trounced Haverford 11-4. Yen felt that
the team’s “new players were really great,” and that the “older players
played really well too.”

2) Competition wears down men’s ultimate despite strong effort

This past Saturday men’s ultimate played both University of Pennsylvania
and Lehigh University. Although both games were narrow losses (13-11 to U.
Penn and 15-13 to Lehigh), captain Sasha Clayton ’98 was optimistic. “I was
pretty impressed with how we played. We were up for much of the game and
then they pulled ahead at the end,” he said. “That’s basically what
happened with the Lehigh game too.” Clayton credited Swarthmore’s loss to
the fact that Swarthmore only had three to four subs, while both U. Penn
and Lehigh had ten or more subs each.  “We got a lot more tired,” Clayton

3) Grim weekend for men’s soccer

Men’s soccer had a discouraging weekend at the Drew Tournament.  On
Saturday, the team lost 3-1 to Colby-Sawer and on Sunday the team lost 7-0
to Drew University.  Swarthmore’s lone goal was scored by sophomore Marcus
Shin.  The team felt their performance was hurt by playing on turf, which
they are unaccustomed to.  However, the team is considering moving some of
their offense into the midfield, changing from a 4-4-2 to a 4-5-1
formation.  On a brighter note, keeper Adam MacBeth ’99 was voted on to the
Drew tournament team by all coaches for his outstanding performance.

4) Upcoming home games

There are no home contests scheduled for tonight.
Women’s soccer takes on Widener at 4 p.m. on Clothier Field.


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The Daily Gazette
Board of Editors
Fred Bush
Kate Doty
Aarti Iyer
Jennifer Klein
Karen Lloyd
Sarah McClure
Lorrin Nelson
Sam Schulhofer-Wohl

Rafi Dowty

The Daily Gazette is published Monday through Friday by an independent
group of Swarthmore College students. Technical support from the Swarthmore
College Computer Society is gratefully acknowledged.

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This concludes today’s report.

Copyright 1997 by The Daily Gazette. All rights reserved.

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