Thursday, May 1, 1997

May 1, 1997

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

The Daily Gazette

Swarthmore College
Thursday, May 1, 1997
Volume 1, Number 64


1)  Student Council elections results

2)  CPC considers costs of possible enrollment hikes

3)  Spring Fling kicks off with Casino Night

4)  World news roundup


1)  Tonight’s and tomorrow’s contests


Today:    Gray and windy, rain likely. High around 70.
             Can’t go outside, might as well study for finals.
Tonight:  Clearing up, cool. Low of 45.
             Better safe than sorry — carry that umbrella.
Friday:   Mostly sunny, light wind. High around 70.


1)  Student Council elections results

In the only close contest in Student Council elections held Monday through
Wednesday, Mandara Meyers ’99 eked out an eight-vote victory over Melissa
Amir-Arjomand ’00 in the race to serve as SC Outreach Chair, according to
vote totals released early Thursday by SC Elections Chair Chris Seaman ’99.

Laura Barandes ’99 had a landslide victory over Ali Erdem ’00 to capture
the position of Student Observer to the Board of Managers, while Sarah
Pheasant ’98 easily defeated Shabnam Mansukhani ’00 for a seat on
Curriculum Committee. Ashwin Rao ’99 was the clear victor in a five-way
contest for a seat on the Council on Educational Policy.

All other races were uncontested. The number of abstentions did not exceed
the number of votes for the leading candidate in any race.

Complete vote totals follow; winners are indicated with asterisks.

College Budget Committee
       *Christian Mikkelson ’99   336
       Abstain                    162

College Planning Committee
       *Naomi Michlin ’98         399
       Abstain                    112

Council on Educational Policy
       Dan Barnes ’99             109
       Rick Bell ’98               78
       Shari Bloom ’00             49
       Vonalis Pina ’00            74
       *Ashwin Rao ’99            166
       Abstain                     61

Curriculum Committee
       Shabnam Mansukhani ’00     128
       *Sarah Pheasant ’98        249
       Abstain                    135

Student Council Secretary
       *Tsong Lin ’00             329
       Abstain                    171

Student Council Treasurer
       *Ari Plost ’98             346
       Abstain                    171

Student Council Outreach Chair
       Melissa Amir-Arjomand ’00  225
       *Mandara Meyers ’99        233
       Abstain                     77

Student Observer to the Board of Managers
       *Laura Barandes ’99        279
       Ali Erdem ’00              131
       Abstain                    111


2)  CPC considers costs of possible enrollment hikes

A report on the financial implications of expanding Swarthmore’s student
body was the major topic of discussion at the College Planning Committee’s
meeting Monday afternoon, said CPC student representative Naomi Michlin ’98.

The report concluded that the College would break even if enrollment rose
to 1400 from the current target of 1325, but would run a deficit if
enrollment climbed as high as 1600 or 2000, Michlin said. Paul Aslanian,
vice president for finance and planning, and Sue Welsh, College treasurer,
prepared the study with help from other senior administrators.

According to Michlin, CPC members said the benefits of higher enrollment
*allowing the College to enrich and expand its curriculum;
*giving more students the opportunity to attend Swarthmore; and
*increasing Swarthmore’s national visibility.
Next fall, CPC will begin weighing the benefits of expansion against
potential financial costs and qualitative detriments, such as the
possibility that a large student body would undermine the qualities that
make Swarthmore unique, Michlin said.

Estimates of the extra facilities, faculty and staff needed to serve a
larger student body formed the basis of the financial report. The estimates
showed the student-faculty ratio might rise as high as 10 to 1 from the
current level of 8.5 to 1 if enrollment expands to 2000 students, even
though about 40 new faculty positions would be created. Expansion to 2000
students would also require an estimated $146 million in new
infrastructure, including a student center and additional dorms, dining
halls, library space and classrooms.

Michlin said College officials will work over the summer to refine the
estimates; among other things, they will contact similar institutions that
have expanded recently, such as Amherst and Williams, to find out more
about the costs of growth.


3)  Spring Fling kicks off with Casino Night

A casino night featuring professional dealers from Atlantic City kicks off
Spring Fling at 9 o’clock tonight, said Social Affairs Committee member
Kurk Selverian ’97, one of the people organizing Spring Fling.

The event is free to all students. Party-goers will bet with points instead
of real money; each person in attendance will receive 500 points to start
out. When they leave, gamblers will be able to redeem their points for
prizes including a compact disk player and a camera. The cheapest prizes
will cost only 300 points. “You can walk in the door, not even gamble, and
win something,” Selverian said.

Games at the SAC-funded party will include blackjack, roulette and craps,
according to Selverian. He said refreshments will be served, and added that
SAC hopes to create “a realistic casino atmosphere” in Tarble-in-Clothier,
the site of the event.

Check tomorrow’s Daily Gazette for a complete Spring Fling schedule.


4)  World news roundup


North and South Korean Red Cross officials will meet May 3 in Beijing to
discuss food aid for North Korea, the South Korean Red Cross announced. The
last inter-Korean Red Cross meeting took place in 1992. North Korea is on
the verge of famine after two years of disastrous floods. South Korea sent
the North a shipment of corn earlier this week, and plans to send wheat,
according to the South Korean Red Cross. North and South Korea are
technically still at war; the Korean War ran from 1950 to 1953 and ended in
a truce.


An agreement to end the four-day-long standoff between law enforcement
authorities and Texas secessionists fell through Wednesday. News media
initially reported that Richard McLaren, the self-styled ambassador of the
Republic of Texas, was ready to leave the group’s ranch in the remote Davis
Mountains and surrender. But authorities later said he had broken off
negotiations. McLaren’s group says the United States illegally annexed
Texas in 1845; the secessionists want a statewide referendum on
independence and claim they are the legitimate government of Texas. The
standoff started Sunday when armed Republic of Texas members responded to
the arrests of two comrades by taking two hostages, who have since been
released. About 100 law enforcement officers have surrounded the group’s
ranch, where 13 separatists are holed up.

The world news roundup is produced by Swarthmore Radio News, which airs
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7:30 p.m. and midnight on WSRN 91.5 FM.



1)  Tonight’s and tomorrow’s contests

Men’s tennis hosts Bloomsburg at 3 p.m. in the last regular season contest of
the year.

FRIDAY (2 May)
There are no contests scheduled for today.


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The Daily Gazette
Board of Editors
Fred Bush
Kate Doty
Jennifer Klein
David Lischer
Eric Pakurar
Sam Schulhofer-Wohl
Sylvia Weedman

 Rafi Dowty

The Daily Gazette is published Monday through Friday by an independent
group of Swarthmore College students. Technical support from the Swarthmore
College Computer Society is gratefully acknowledged.

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This concludes today’s report.

Copyright 1997 by The Daily Gazette. All rights reserved.

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