Tuesday, January 28, 1997

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

The Daily Gazette

Swarthmore College
Tuesday, January 28, 1997
Volume 1, Number 4


1) Junior found guilty on four out of five charges by College Judicial

2) Housing Committee meets, makes recommedations about halogen lamps,
dorm security

3) Eiko and Koma give dance performance entitled “Land”


1)  Yesterday’s results

2)  Two named to weekly basketball honor roll

3)  Tonight’s and tomorrow’s contests


1) Junior found guilty on four out of five charges by College Judicial

Members of the College Judicial Committee (CJC) met on December 17 and
found an anonymous Swarthmore junior guilty on four out of five charges
brought against him by another student.

The anonymous male, who was arrested on November 23 after urinating on
the door of a Willets Resident Assistant (RA), was found guilty of
Intimidation, Disorderly Conduct, Underage Drinking and Drunkenness.  The
Committee found the student not guilty of the charge of Assault, ruling
that holding the arm of the female RA did not constitute a violent
As punishment, the student has been placed on probation for the spring
semester and next fall semester; any violation of College policy
constitutes a break of probation and will result in a suspension.  In
addition, the student is proscribed from attending any College social
events where alcohol is served during his probation and will not be
allowed to live on campus for his first semester on probation.
Thirty hours of off-campus community service, comprised of three hours a
week for ten weeks, will also be required of the student during this
spring semester.  A final disciplinary measure obligates the offender to
submit a letter to The Phoenix in the spring semester of ’98 dealing with
his experience.
The Committee, convened by Dean Ngina Lythcott, was composed of Associate
Professor of Classics Rosaria Munson, Profesor of Religion Donald
Swearer, Director of Financial Aid Laura Talbot, Franklin Rubenstein ’97,
and Sara Schulman ’99.  Associate Dead Ted Goundie acted as Observer to
the Committee.
The Delaware County case against the student is scheduled to take place
sometime this February.


2) Housing Committee meets, makes recommedations about halogen lamps,
dorm security

Dorms should be locked from early evening until morning this semester,
the Housing Committee recommended Monday night. The committee wants to
lock all dorms 24 hours a day starting in the fall if all goes well this
spring. The deans must approve the recommendation before it can take

Only Willets and Mary Lyon dormitories are currently locked all day.
Other dorms are now locked only late at night, but committee member Laura
Gitelson ’97 said they can be locked more of the day now that security
phones have been installed. The phones let guests call dorm residents and
ask to be let in.

Housing Committee also discussed what to do about the high number of
halogen lamps in the dorms. While the lamps have caused serious fires at
several other schools, no halogen-related blazes have been reported at
Swarthmore — and the committee wants to keep things that way.

The committee reached no clear decision, recommending only that a greater
effort be made to discourage the use of halogen lamps. The school has
officially banned the lamps. But, said Gitelson, it’s hard to stop
students from using halogens when no other lamps are bright enough to
illuminate Swarthmore’s dingy dorm rooms.


3)  Eiko and Koma give dance performance entitled “Land”

Dance artists Eiko and Koma performed their 1991 piece “Land” at the Lang
Performing Arts Center on Saturday, January 25th. Accompanied by composer
Robert Mirabal and drummer Reynaldo Lujan, Eiko (wife) and Koma (husband)
danced for seventy minutes both together and separately, and even
incorporated a few brief cameos for one of their sons.

The piece was commissioned by the 1991 Brooklyn Academy of Music Next
Wave Festival, the 1991 American Dance Festival, and the Lied Center at
the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. Eiko and Koma’s appearance at
Swarthmore was supported in part by an ArtsConnect touring grant from the
Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation and by a Dance On Tour grant from the
Pennsylvania State Council  on the Arts.

The pair performed to a packed house and made a strong impression on
audience members. The piece was very evocative of Native American motifs.
Accompanist and composer Mirabal (who, like Lujan, is a member of the
Taos Pueblo) played a Native American double-chambered flute and the pair
wore traditional dress during the performance. Eiko and Koma also wore
what appeared to be traditional leather costumes.

The dance took place on a large painted backdrop by Sandra Lerner
complete with twigs, leaves and sand. The dance itself, while subtle, was
intense and quite unusual; not a
few audience members described the work as “meditative,” and
“avant-garde.” Rather than following conventional dance rhythms or
patterns, the pair focused much more on the movements themselves which
were slow and deliberate. The effect was compelling; while perhaps not
the most readily accessible performance, “Land” was a striking and
original work.



1)  Yesterday’s results

Widener 89, Swarthmore 66
The Garnet had a tough time handling the Widener center, who towered
close to seven feet.  Naveen Nirgudkar ’99 led Swarthmore with 12 points.  
Both Swarthmore coaches received technical fouls in disagreements with
the referees.


2)  Two named to weekly basketball honor roll

Jean Quinn ’00 was named to the Weekly Honor Roll after scoring a
career-high 16 points in Swarthmore’s 60-59 victory over Western Maryland
in women’s basketball.

Tim Schofield ’99 was also named to the Weekly Honor Roll for his
performance in last week’s victories over Muhlenberg and Western
Maryland.  Schofield shot 64 percent from the floor (14-of-22), including
61.5 percent from three-point range (8-of-13), in the Garnet’s two wins.  
He had 29 points, hitting 10-of-14 shots and five treys, and six rebounds
in the 80-65 win a Western Maryland.


3)  Tonight’s and tomorrow’s contests

Badminton hosts its season opener against Academy New Church at 7:30 p.m.

Women’s basketball travels to Mulhenberg in a 7 p.m. contest.

Men’s basketball continues its three game road trip against Philadelphia
Pharmacy at 7:30 p.m.
Women’s swimming travels cross-town to face Bryn Mawr; meet starts at
5:30 p.m.
Women’s badminton also travels to Bryn Mawr; matches start at 7 p.m.


The Daily Gazette
Board of Editors
Fred Bush
Kate Doty
Jennifer Klein
David Lischer
Eric Pakurar
Sam Schulhofer-Wohl
Sylvia Weedman

Contributing Writers
Nick Attanasio
Sam Schulhofer-Wohl
Sarah Archer

The Daily Gazette is published Monday through Friday by an independent
group of Swarthmore College students. Technical support from the
Swarthmore College Computer Society is gratefully acknowledged.

To subscribe to the Gazette, free of charge, send e-mail to
daily-request@sccs.swarthmore.edu with the words “subscribe daily” in
the body of your message. Use the words “unsubscribe daily” to cancel a

This concludes today’s report.

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