Yes, that's right. Blackalicious, famed Bay-area hip hop duo, are coming to Swarthmore November 5. This is according to Martyna Pospieszalska, chairman of the Large Scale Events Committee (LSE), who [...]
Personal stories of class were the focus of the first event of Class Awareness Month, a panel of faculty, staff, and students who discussed their experiences with help from moderator [...]
Despite it being the middle of exam week for many, some students found the time to listen to Margaret Dorsey, Assistant Professor of Communication at the University of Houston-Victoria, Wednesday [...]
Thomas Hales of the University of Pittsburgh spoke yesterday in a lecture entitled "Formal Proofs, the four-color theorem, and the Kepler conjecture for sphere packing." The four-color theorem states that [...]
In collaboration with the Tri-Co Peace and Conflict Studies program, tonight Swat will be presenting "A Force More Powerful", a documentary that traces non violent social movements used to to [...]
The renovations to Parrish Hall will not be completed by the end of October Break as previously promised. According to campus planner Susan Sayer, "the new projected completion date is [...]
Science Center 101 was packed with students and faculty on Thursday afternoon to listen to noted researcher Kay Redfield Jamison speak on "Madness, Moods, and Creative Achievement." Jamison is a [...]
Thursday evening, Marjorie Garber, professor of English and American Literature and Language and of Visual and Environmental Studies at Harvard University (and member of the Swarthmore Class of '66), gave [...]
C.R. Gallistel, psychologist and head of the Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science, presented a lecture "The Nature of Learning and the Architecture of the Brain" yesterday evening at Science Center [...]