Swarthmore has seen many interesting club sports in the past, but has been sorely missing the old favorite of table tennis. All that is to change under the direction of [...]
Last Thursday, the Kick Coke campaign held a study break to inform students about the ongoing efforts of the campaign, as well as encourage students to write letters to the [...]
Today, Richard Townsend — a physicist at the University of Delaware — gave the first colloquium of the semester. Entitled Animating the Glowing Magnetospheres of Massive Stars, the colloquium was [...]
The Big Chair once again disappeared from our verdant Parrish Beach sometime last week. It is much too early for it's winter hibernation-- so where indeed is that iconic monstrous [...]
We continue our series of dean profiles today with Dean Karen Henry '87. In her role as the Gender Education Advisor, her presence on campus is especially important during this [...]
The Garnet women's soccer team gave coach Todd Anckaitis a 4-0 win against Washington for his birthday, thanks to Katie Kanuka '10 (with two), senior Danielle Tocchet, and Megan Colombo '11.
On Tuesday night, writers Nat and Yanna Kroyt Brandt came to Swarthmore to give a talk on their new book, In the Shadow of the Civil Work: Passmore Williamson and [...]
When students read one of this Monday's Reserved Students Digests, they may have seen an advertisement for an organization that hasn't surfaced much for the past couple years: the Halcyon, [...]
The school considered and rejected Google Apps and Zimbra. Swarthmore’s current system, SquirrelMail, seems to be appropriately named. Squirrels are ubiquitous on campus, but no one really likes them very [...]