Sports - Page 166

The RA Selection Process

As the Gazette began to interview students, RAs, and administration members for our previous story on the RA system at Swarthmore compared to other schools around the nation, a central [...]
February 21, 2008

The Swarthmore Inn Project

This Friday, Associate Vice President of Facilities and Services Stu Hain will be presenting a plan for the Swarthmore Inn to four members of the Board of Managers. Two architectural [...]
February 20, 2008

Lang Center Hosts Grant-Writing Workshops

Margie DuBrow, a visiting instructor, is teaching a grant-writing course at the Lang Center this spring. The course, which is not for academic credit, is “part of the skill-building workshops” [...]
February 20, 2008

College Republicans’ Posters Lead To Controversy

A recent series of fliers advertising Swarthmore's newly formed Campus Republicans ignited controversy when they used phrases on their posters such as "Coming Out? Questioning? Join the College Republicans!": language [...]
February 20, 2008

Sports Update 2/16

Scoreboard W. Basketball: Gettysburg 84, Swarthmore 72 M. Basketball: Gettysburg 69, Swarthmore 55 Men's Basketball: McCormick Becomes All-Time Leading Rebounder Swarthmore senior Ian McCormick became the College's all-time leading rebounder [...]
February 18, 2008
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The Phoenix