Scoreboard Softball Swarthmore vs. Ursinus PPD rescheduled - April 17, 3:00 pm Baseball Swarthmore vs. Ursinus PPD rescheduled - April 2, 3:30 pm SOFTBALL: Riley Named Player of the Week [...]
Corbin Ellery ’77, Swarthmore’s Director of Edifice Erection, unveiled the blueprints of a new dormitory early this week. The dorm was designed in response to a growing need for housing [...]
The senior class officers are asking for a revote on the senior class gift after discovering evidence that all the ballots had been tampered with. For the last week, seniors [...]
Starting next year, the Student Council President and his closest advisors will be granted the protection of the Swarthmore Secret Service. Fellow students will guard the President at all times [...]
Since the selection of the Phoenix as Swarthmore's new mascot, students have debated the meaning of the creature. According to legend and Wikipedia, the phoenix "is a mythical bird with [...]
A Daily Gazette investigation has uncovered a startlingly unconventional terrorist group on campus. The new panini grill has caused much jubilation and distress among Swarthmore students. But it's been replaced [...]
The Board of Managers surprised everyone when they announced last week that they were no longer interested in culling the deer population in Crum Woods. Over the last year, different [...]
An old classic for 1999 In a surprise announcement last night, President Al Bloom said that Swarthmore would end construction of the new dorm and, in fact, begin demolishing it [...]
In a surprising turn of events, fraternity Phi Psi and science fiction club Psi Phi have decided to merge. "It all makes sense. Our names our similar, and our missions [...]
In a stunning and wholly unexpected turn of events, Swarthmore’s Friends Historical Library, a collection housed in McCabe and established just two years after the College, has issued an official [...]