Alvin Melathe '10 uses a computer in the Beardsley Media Center to edit a video. This summer, ITS transformed the old Faculty Resource Room into the Beardsley Media Center. Although [...]
With Al Bloom's upcoming retirement, the Executive Search Committee was formed last semester to find the new head of our college. True to our Quaker roots, the committee is comprised [...]
Scoreboard M.Cross Country: 8th place at Delaware Valley Invite W.Cross Country: 2nd place at Delaware Valley Invite Field Hockey: Swarthmore 4, Roanoke 3 M. Soccer: Swarthmore 0, Richard Stockton 0 [...]
After being accepted into a college, the anticipation of finding out your roommate is frustrating. Swarthmore makes its freshman wait several month since freshman dorm and roommate assignments are released [...]
Rachel Head officially began as the new Assistant Dean of Residential Life last Tuesday, replacing Liz Derickson ’01 who, after 3 years, left Swarthmore to pursue graduate studies. Head previously [...]
Chengetai Mahomva ’11 and Ashia Troiano ’11 founded Project Shingayi this spring to bring a sustainable school to children in Epworth, Zimbabwe. “We knew we wanted to do something for [...]
Patricia James, the Associate Director for Student Programs and Training in the Lang Center, has announced that she will resign from the College at the end of the month. She directed the Lang Opportunity Scholars program and the Swarthmore Foundation, in addition