Sports - Page 152

Sports Update 9/7

Scoreboard Women's Soccer Swarthmore 2, Albright 0 Volleyball Swarthmore 3, Bates 2 Colby 3, Swarthmore 1 Bowdoin 3, Swarthmore 1 Men's Soccer #24 Swarthmore 5, St. Mary's (Md.) 1 Women's [...]
September 7, 2008

WRC Board Chooses to Create a Dry Space

The Women's Resource Center (WRC) has been a space for raucous parties in the past, but in order to strengthen the building's unique identity as a safe space for women, [...]
September 5, 2008

A Different Set of College Rankings

Last year the infamous U.S. News and World Report college rankings, as well as other similar rankings, had prompted Al Bloom and many other college presidents to publish an official [...]
September 5, 2008

Sports Update 9/3

Scoreboard Volleyball Neumann 3, Swarthmore 2 VOLLEYBALL: Knights, Garnet Steam Towards Five-Set Thriller SWARTHMORE, Pa. -- Garnet freshman Genny Pezzola tallied 31 digs and 17 kills in just her third [...]
September 4, 2008

LSE to feature Broken Social Scene, RJD2

Indie rock supergroup Broken Social Scene and electronic hip hop/pop artist RJD2 will perform in LPAC this Saturday, September 6th, as this semester's Large-Scale Event. According to LSE Coordinator Reid [...]
September 3, 2008

Intruder Threatens Swat Student

Yesterday morning, in a case Public Safety has labeled as an "attempted sexual assault," an unidentified intruder entered a Willets dorm room and threatened a female Swarthmore student. The assailant [...]
September 2, 2008
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The Phoenix