Sports - Page 147

PersuASIAN Creates Space for Queer Asian Students

Meeting once a month, PersuASIAN is a new group for queer members of the Asian/Pacific Islander American Community to have new conversations at the intersection of race, sexuality, and Asian-American identity.
October 26, 2008

Global Neighbors to Sponsor Externs to China

Global Neighbors, a new service group working with individuals with leprosy or Hansen's Disease (HD), is currently raising funds to send two student externs to rural China over winter break. Both externs intend to establish a local network of connections with Joy
October 24, 2008

Coming Out Week Arrives

Between Monday the 20th and Friday the 25th, Coming Out Week (COW) at Swarthmore will feature open and closed events centered on queer issues in the community. Sponsored by SQU, other queer student groups, and academic departments, Coming Out Week is run
October 23, 2008

Swarthmore Cycles Opens

Swarthmore Cycles, a repair and used bike shop, has opened in the Ville. All bikes are sold for around $100, and Lindsay Yanez, the store's proprietor, pledges to stand behind her products.
October 23, 2008

File Sharing Warnings Down

Swarthmore's ITS received fewer RIAA file-sharing notices, but administrators hesitate to attribute this to success of new policies. Other possibilities include the rise of Youtube and Pandora or merely a quiet time in the RIAA's aggression.
October 23, 2008
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The Phoenix