Opinion - Page 3

Through the Woods

♫Over the Crum and through the woods/to Swarthmore College we go♫ Nixon’s Vice President, Spiro Agnew, once allegedly called Swarthmore the “Kremlin on the Crum.” Swarthmore’s Alma Mater says “Ev’ry ripple of Crum’s water/Is a greeting clear.” The Crum Woods are a
November 21, 2024

One Woman’s Mission to Protect Ghanaian Widows

If you wander through Parrish third in the early morning hours, you will see Benedicta Delima either gently clearing away the remnants of a weekend gathering or adding her final touches to the famously spotless third-floor spaces. She moves through these quiet
November 21, 2024

Four Kinds of Primaries

The main election each year is referred to as a general election. Primary elections are held in order to determine most of the candidates who are on the general election ballot. (The exception is that, in some states, third partiers and independents
November 21, 2024

The World Must Be Made Safe for Democracy

26-year-old American Quincy Claude Ayres stepped off the boat on December 5, 1917, onto the soil of war-torn France. Before him, hundreds of Americans had volunteered as ambulance drivers and doctors or joined the Canadian military to fight before the United States
November 14, 2024

Truth and Consequences

Growing up, we were taught that truth was, of all things, objective. It either happened or it did not. There was only one singular truth, and if you defy it or you lie, it is bad. Often, when we were young, we
November 14, 2024

It’s Okay to Hurt

Dear friends, I know that many of you are hurting today. It’s okay to hurt. I know that many of you are scared today. It’s okay to be scared. I know that many of you need time to process and decompress. It’s
November 7, 2024

Martin Putnam ’71: Letter to the Editor

To the editor, As a member of the Class of 1971, I am proud that so many Swarthmore students are raising their voices against the ongoing genocide in Gaza. In speaking out, they are refusing to be complicit, and they are challenging
November 7, 2024
The Phoenix