Opinion - Page 196

Swarthmore at War, Part I

When America broke out of its isolationism in 1941, Swarthmore faced a dilemma: how could a college with a traditionally pacifist Quaker ideology respond? Swarthmore founder Benjamin Hallowell was a conscientious objector in the war of 1812. Should the college encourage students
February 19, 2010

A Propos of the Frozen Grass

We're suffering. We're drunk, we're overworked, we're shortening our resumes, we're ruining our lovers' lives, and we're late, again, with another exegetical statement on the first third of the book of Acts. And we have not seen an advice column at Swarthmore.
February 17, 2010

Agnostics Need Representatives Who Don’t Hate Religion

Polling has consistently shown that the one group of people Americans will not vote for are nonbelievers. It’s pretty easy to recognize why: Americans tend to be religious people who equate morality with religion; Americans only recently finished fighting off an atheist
February 15, 2010

Putting the Vice in Advice

We’re two humble Swatties (Ankhi Thakurta: Homo sapiens, Lang Haynes: sapiens Homo) on a mission to answer the littler questions in life...the ones that would have made Aristotle laugh himself silly or driven Socrates to take another swig of that hemlock.
February 15, 2010

The Ugliness of Discrimination

Two summers ago I strolled down Newberry Street in Boston, MA with my parents. We proceeded down the street, walking past many restaurants with outdoor patios. Something not-so surprising struck me. Every restaurant we passed employed a very attractive female hostess. It
February 9, 2010

Re-Examining Ethical Purchasing

Given the disappearance of proposed Proposal Review committee, and the experience of one of our two Lang Center interns responsible for examining ethical purchasing guidelines, it’s hard not to worry that the student body has been baited-and-switched when it comes to ethical
February 3, 2010

The P.E. Requirement Needs to Be Abolished Immediately

We need an independent body to determine whether a P.E. requirement is really necessary or not. If we don’t get one, hundreds of already fit people with very busy schedules will continue to be dragooned into taking ping-pong and bowling at inconvenient
February 1, 2010

Committee Bars Q&A Coverage for Dean’s Search

The second candidate for Dean of Students will be speaking at Swarthmore tonight. We encourage you to attend, because you will not be able to read our coverage of the event. The administration has forbidden the student press, including the Gazette and
January 28, 2010
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