Opinion - Page 18

MySwat: Cooked Medium Rare

MySwat, our dear friend. The one who holds our hand, guiding us through our Swat experience. The first entity in this college to know our names, our pronouns, and our home address. Sometimes MySwat can be the bearer of difficult news, like
October 6, 2022

College Blind Spot: Addressing Van Driver Availability

As the Swarthmore COVID bubble continues to deflate, students, clubs, club sports, and other organizations are ramping travel back up to pre-pandemic rates. This travel is, of course, often facilitated by students who hold van driver certifications. To become certified, students must
October 6, 2022

Ethos Water: Why Americans Pay to Pee

To lambast America’s grossly inadequate public infrastructure has become so commonplace that the refrain is an all but trivial cliche in online political discourse. I do not have any expert analysis, insight, or nuance to add to this righteous indignation. However, in
September 29, 2022

Notes on Phenomenology from a Freshman Perspective

The concept of college, from applications to attendance, is interlaced with the goal of identifying who you are. This is obvious from the very beginning of the college search process. “What schools will help you accomplish your goals?” “Which will offer the
September 29, 2022

Swarthmore Owes Its Students More

It can be difficult to be a student at Swarthmore. You are constantly trying to balance school work, a social life, sleep time, and possibly a job. There is always something that might throw your precariously teetering and hard-earned balance into disarray:
September 22, 2022

The New Roommate

COVID, or as I like to call it: the bug. Most of us have had that flea bite us in the ass at some point — and I can tell you, mine itched for a while. At this point, getting bitten by
September 22, 2022
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