Opinion - Page 13

Where I’m From

I usually don’t like telling people at Swarthmore where I’m from. This is because I can inevitably predict what they’re going to say when I tell them that I’m from Hawaii, which usually falls along the lines of “Oh, how lovely! My
September 28, 2023

The Great Swarthmore Presidential Hoax of 1953

Upon hearing President Smith’s recent announcement regarding her sabbatical, I was reminded of an incident that occurred in 1953 as Swarthmore was left presidentless by then-president John Nason’s announcement of his retirement. As the presidential search committee began to scour the country
September 21, 2023

Semester in Review

The Phoenix has undergone both significant change and progress this semester, demonstrating remarkable resilience in the face of budget cuts and staff transitions. We’ve emerged from these challenges with a stronger web presence, a collaborative and closely-knit team of writers and editorial
April 20, 2023
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The Phoenix