Where will you be when the winner of the presidential election is announced? If you'll be on campus tonight, you have several options of venues in which to endure televised [...]
Tomorrow’s election and the natural tendencies of Swarthmore students have led to a lot of friendly political banter on campus. When banter turns to debate and debate turns to frustration, [...]
Swarthmore received an introduction to Chinese opera on Friday evening when the International Beijing Monkey King Peking Opera Troupe came to perform. The show, entitled Journey to the West, was [...]
Last week the group formerly known as Swarthmore Pro-Choice Task Force sent out a campus-wide e-mail calling for pro-choice Swatties to train as escorts for Planned Parenthood patients. The Daily [...]
After weeks of waiting around, Swarthmore's DJs will finally be back in the studio on Monday, as WSRN resumes broadcasting after a tumultuous move. According to General Manager Alexander Flurie [...]
The World Series is well underway with Boston taking an early 2-0 lead, but where exactly is the best place for a Swattie to catch the game? For those of [...]
On Friday night in the Scheuer Room, Harris Kornstein '06 introduced Letta Neely as, among other things, queer activist and poet, director of the Boston GLASS Community Center for lesbian, [...]
Professor John Dower of MIT lectured students on the U.S. occupation of Japan yesterday, bringing home its relevance to a modern audience by comparing the occupation in Japan to the [...]
No matter how much Swatties like the outdoors, it is hard to deny that the weather has been kind of muggy recently and that it is beginning to get colder [...]
The first half of "The Motorcycle Diaries" comes across as an artier that usual road trip movie. Most of the requisite elements are there: the protagonist, Ernesto, the protagonist; an [...]