News - Page 36

Reflecting On One Year Into the Pandemic: Staff Profiles

These staff profiles of community members who worked through the spring and summer of 2020 during the onset of the pandemic were done as interviews by students in Professor Diane Anderson’s course, Literacies & Social Identities, which explores various facets and relationships
March 13, 2021

Sister Helen Prejean Speaks at Swarthmore

On February 24, during the online event entitled “Abolishing the Death Penalty with Sister Helen Prejean: Justice, Dignity, and Faith,” Sister Helen, a leading U.S. advocate for abolishing capital punishment and renowned author of Dead Man Walking: The Eyewitness Account of the
March 5, 2021

SGO Prepares for Another Virtual Semester

On February 9, SGO elected four new members for the 2021 Spring semester. The new SGO members include Sara Asgari ’23 and Huiying Xiao ’23, who will serve as senators for the class of 2023, as well as Fiona Stewart ’24 for
February 26, 2021

Recapping the J-Term Semester

In January 2021, for the first time, Swarthmore College offered students the option to register for a four-week long, remote term. According to the Swarthmore website (see here) , J-term was implemented to help students divide their credit load throughout the 2020-2021
February 20, 2021

Faculty Extend Spring Semester Add/Drop Period

On February 10, the Provost’s Office informed the student body of the faculty’s recent decision to extend the add/drop period for the Spring 2021 semester. According to the email, the last day to drop a course will be Friday, April 16 and
February 20, 2021

Garnet Pledge Updated for New On-Campus Cohort

The college has updated the Garnet Pledge, a set of expectations and precautions designed to make on-campus learning as safe as possible during the COVID-19 pandemic. Unlike last semester when all alcohol was banned on campus, the college now allows students who
February 19, 2021

Swarthmore Student Tests Positive for COVID-19

As of Saturday, Feb. 13, at least one Spring residential student at Swarthmore has tested positive for COVID-19. All students on campus are tested three times within the first two weeks of arriving on campus, and the second round of testing following
February 13, 2021
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