Highlights - Page 53

Women’s Cross Country Poised for Great Season


Swarthmore Women’s Cross Country has started off the season strong, finishing second and fourth at the Bryn Mawr Invitational and Mainline Invite, respectively. The team welcomes seven first-years and fourteen returners to compete in the 2019 season.  Last season, Swarthmore finished third in the Centennial Conference Championships and had a good showing at regionals. With only two seniors graduating in Spring 2019, the team is primed for another great season.  Emma Novak ’21 led the team at the Mainline Invite, finishing twelfth overall and second among DIII runners with a time of 18:10 on the 5k course. Nora Blodgett ’22

Co-Op’s Largest Truckathon Yet Draws Crowd and Criticism


Hundreds of Swarthmore students and ville residents rushed to the CO-OP this Saturday, as more than two dozen food trucks rolled into Dartmouth Avenue for Swarthmore’s fourteenth biannual “Food Truck a Thon.” The often quiet town lit up for four hours as children, college students, and adults gathered to share and enjoy the variety of diverse foods and desserts.          According to the general manager of the CO-OP, Mike Litka, this is exactly what he wanted out of the event: to create an opportunity for people in the town to come together and have fun.   “The event is basically just

Strike for the Climate, Strike for Our Lives

The climate crisis presents the greatest threat to humanity. It has already wrought unprecedented devastation, but the worst is yet to come. We cannot sit by as the world burns and floods. We must demand that our government recognize that the climate is in crisis. We must disrupt our society before climate change disrupts it for good. On Friday, Sept. 20, millions of people around the world will strike and protest to demand action. The Swarthmore community must stand with them. Earlier this year, acclaimed children’s science educator Bill Nye went on John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight show to demonstrate

New Leadership, Same Direction for the Intercultural Center, Women’s Resource Center


The Intercultural Center at Swarthmore has seen significant transformation in space and personnel over the past year, and while substantial changes in leadership and staff can often create challenges as a program transitions, the new staff members and students alike are determined to hit the ground running this semester. After Nyk Robinson, the former interim assistant IC director and associate director of gender and sexuality initiatives, departed at the end of last year, Imaani El-Burki was hired to be assistant dean and director of the IC. Tiffany Thompson was also came on board as the associate director of gender and

Artist of the Week: Grace Dumdaw on Her Many Expressions of Art


The arts section is delighted to introduce a new column, “Artist of the Week,” which will cover a new student every week for their work in visual art, music, theater, dance, writing, or any range of creative endeavors. Contact us if you would like to be featured or to nominate a friend.  Whether you know her as a singer in the a cappella group Offbeat, an actor in campus productions, or a photographer with a growing portfolio, you’re sure to know her as an artist through and through. Styling neon sunglasses, layered gold rings, and a bright smile, Grace Dumdaw

Reconciling Ethics and Fantasy Football


[Content warning: sexual assault, domestic violence, sexual harassment] A few weeks ago, at 7:28 p.m., I sat at my dining room table, a stack of papers to my right and a Pabst Blue Ribbon to my left. My computer was open to the Yahoo Sports Fantasy Portal, a faded blue “join now” button superimposed over a high resolution photo of a football stadium. It was draft day — fantasy draft, that is. I had printed out a list of the projected top 200 players for the season — name, team, position, bye week, strength of schedule. Green highlighter dots marked

Field Hockey’s Youth Primed for a Breakout Season


Swarthmore Field Hockey looks to capitalize this season on the youth of their team and the return of key impact players. The team welcomed seven first years to the roster and are excited to build on their new talent.  Last season, Swarthmore Field Hockey scored 26 goals, six of which were netted by forward Marion Carr ’22. Out of the top five point earners in the 2018 season, three of the players return to the team, including Carr ’22, Samie Martin ’21 and Samantha Meacock ’22. Carr is excited by the prospects of a young team but emphasizes the importance

Future of Party Scene Remains Uncertain


The weekend after the first week of classes has traditionally been a time when one of the fraternities hosts a “disorientation” party. These parties have had a history of dangerous alcohol use, with a track record of hospitalizations that, similarly to Halloween Party or Worthstock, was cause for alarm, which is why the Task Force on Student Social Events and Community Standards recommended that disorientation be eliminated. Though the frats are no more, there were still open parties on the night of Saturday, the biggest ones being a party hosted by numerous sports teams in Worth and a S.A.S.S. party

Philadelphia Arts Resources


Notes from the Arts section editors: When we were preparing for this issue, especially in anticipation of our new readership from the class of 2023, we discussed the arts experiences at Swarthmore that moved us deeply, and what we can do to (re)introduce this campus and the larger Philadelphia region to first years and upperclassmen. Recruiting the veteran writers in the Arts section cohort, we present to you two compilations: one, “Swarthmore Arts Secrets,” contains Swarthmore artistic locations and events that our writers consider meaningful or underappreciated; the other, “Philadelphia Arts Resources,” includes some of our writers’ favorite museum spaces

Occasionally Yours Is About to Be Yours More Often


I’m at brunch with friends at Occasionally Yours. It’s only been about a week since they’ve opened after renovating the place, but you’d never guess it from how smoothly the kitchen and service is running. Coldplay plays quietly in the background as we wait for our food, and Scott Richardson, the owner, sits down at each mahogany table and introduces himself. He is warm and personable, one of those people who can connect with just about anybody, and it’s clear that he loves Occasionally Yours and everyone who walks through its doors.  “Here’s your first plate!” Scott comes out beaming

The Phoenix