Highlights - Page 53

The Medicalization of Desire

Men in the medical field couldn’t understand why their wives didn’t enjoy having sex with them, so instead of finding the clitoris, psychiatrists in the 1950s decided their wives must have a medical disorder. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
October 3, 2019

Athletes Have an Obligation to be Activists

Throughout history, athletes have demonstrated that they can and should take active roles in the fight for justice. Muhammad Ali personifies the greatness, both in physical ability and in advocacy, that all athletes should strive for. On April 28, 1967, Ali refused
September 26, 2019

Renato’s Does Not Exist

Renato’s Pizza is the workhorse of the Swarthmore food scene. Sure, you could spend time walking to Swarthmore Pizza or sit around waiting for Uber Eats. But when you’re hungry, or sad, or drunk, or high, or just want to have fun
September 26, 2019

Bad Dad Astra

“Ad Astra” is an ambitious movie, both thematically and visually audacious. It succeeds as a first-rate portrayal of space travel during a minor cinematic boom of “hard” science fiction movies (that is, sci-fi meant to look like it could actually happen). But
September 26, 2019

Women’s Cross Country Poised for Great Season

Swarthmore Women’s Cross Country has started off the season strong, finishing second and fourth at the Bryn Mawr Invitational and Mainline Invite, respectively. The team welcomes seven first-years and fourteen returners to compete in the 2019 season. Last season, Swarthmore finished third
September 26, 2019
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The Phoenix