Highlights - Page 52


Stressed by Stress Injuries

When I asked Lucas Heinzerling ’20, a distance runner on the men’s varsity cross country and track teams, about the injuries he has sustained during his seven-year career, he rattled them off quickly: Achilles tendonitis in both legs, plantar fasciitis in both
October 24, 2019

Athlete of the Week: Ben Lau ’22

Ben Lau is a sophomore from Los Altos, California considering a major in biochemistry or neuroscience. He is a center-back on the Swarthmore men’s soccer team, who had two solid results over the span of fall break. Lau helped keep #7 Johns
October 24, 2019

Ramp Renovated For Disability Accessibility

Construction on the ramp connecting Magill Walk to the tunnel under the SEPTA tracks has been completed for the time being. Additional work to replace broken sections of pavement is scheduled for this fall and is expected to be minimally disruptive. College
October 10, 2019

Say Boo to Halloween

October has descended upon us, and we all know what that means — pumpkin spice, sweater weather, and general spookiness. To cap off this long month, America has adopted an old Celtic celebration, now known as Halloween. However, this celebration is merely
October 10, 2019

Club Boxing Team Attracts Wide Interest

If you are anywhere near Tarble gym on Monday or Saturday night and hear the sound of muffled music and rhythmic pounding from below, it is likely that you are hearing the practice of the newly founded Swarthmore Boxing Club practice. Started
October 10, 2019
Swarthmore SEPTA station at sunset

OSE and SGO SEPTA Lottery in Transition

Opportunities for students to travel into Philadelphia cost-free are currently more limited than usual due to the absence of the SEPTA lottery. The future of the lottery is uncertain — its original funding source ran out and changes to the SEPTA system
October 3, 2019
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The Phoenix