Highlights - Page 44

Reframing Campus Waste With Swat2Go

Students across campus have continuously demonstrated their passion for taking environmentally cautious strides and leading the school to do the same. Because of this, implementing a reusable takeout container program that is present at other similar institutions seemed like a natural step.
March 5, 2020

Coronavirus Outbreak Disrupts Study Abroad

In addition to the tangible on-campus effect of coronavirus on international students, the outbreak has also impacted students studying abroad. Students studying in countries that have experienced extensive outbreaks have been faced with making quick decisions on whether to return home and
March 5, 2020

Palestine Is Not a Policy Decision

In American media, the issue of the Israeli occupation of Palestine typically only appears in a limited number of contexts, namely discussions of policy/negotiations to create “peace” and American military expansion. Most recently, the so-called “Middle East Peace Plan” from the Trump
February 27, 2020
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